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C4R Models accessible outside of Revit versions

C4R Models accessible outside of Revit versions

With C4R, there is no way to access a model (assuming you are invited to the project) unless you are in the correct version or Revit.


So if I have a C4R project that hold Revit 2015 model files, then you must use Revit 2015 to access the model files, if I try to use any other version of Revit (Revit 2016, 2017…), I still do not have access to the model files, even if I try to access the model through Revit’s Manage Models, it will only show models for that version of Revit


I could go through the C4R project site and download the model files from there, but this will only give me access to models that someone has published, so I may not get the latest models (they could be month old).


With upgrading of Revit versions, If one is one Revit 2021, and I need to get access to my Revit 2015 C4R models, if I do not have Revit 2015, I cannot get access to the latest models to upgrade them to Revit 2021, so I cannot upgrade them to the latest versions of Revit.


If would be great if there was an admin area that was version agnostic to access the C4R model files, similar to the Manage Models interface through Revit, but again would be version agnostic.


As we move forward with version of Revit, our c4r project model files will become more and more inaccessible from the cloud, there needs to be a better management solution that gives us more flexibility in accessing our model files from the c4r service



So with C4R project site, once a revit file is saved up the that project site (say Revit 2016), then the entire project site can only house Revit 2016 model files.

But unless someone names the project site or model files with wording that denotes what version of revit files the project site houses, there is no way to know what revit version the project site is made for.


With Revit Server, when you went through the Revit Server admin site, the website admin page included the version of Revit, so you know what version you are doing with, but not with C4R Project site.


There needs to be a way in the c4r project site to query the Revit file as the version of the model (Revit 2016, Revit 2017), we cannot leave it up to naming conventions alone.

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Status changed to: Accepted


There's really 2 parts of this as I see it:


  1. Having access the latest version on BIM 360 Team.
  2. Being able to trigger an upgrade of projects without having the source version of Revit.

Have I got it right?




Hey Joe,


I understand the need here, but is needing the version information specific to just C4R models? If users share Civil 3D or AutoCAD files would it also be useful to see their major version as part of properties on the files for example? I realize C4R models are treated a little differently, but I'm wondering if this would be a more useful feature if implemented more generally within BIM 360 Team?







Yes, I had further thought to this since I posted.


I think you are right, there needs to be a way to query all ADSK file version of what was uploaded or save to C4R or any ADSK cloud serivce, where just part of the base information display will show the ADSK file version

Thanks Joe!

We will take this into further consideration.


Dave Wilson
BPD - Team Corvus Product Owner
Autodesk Inc.

At the moment, if a Revit project gets created using one version and then uploaded into C4R, that project version isn't visible to a newer Revit version that is connected to the same C4R account. This is inconvenient since it requires that each older project get downloaded, converted, then uploaded back into C4R. If a person has many files, this could be cumbersome.


If files are stored locally, then every version of Revit can see any project file, and when it is opened using a newer version than what was used to create it the program asks if the file should be updated accordingly. Let's have C4R do the same, allowing every version to be visible regardless of which Revit version is used to access the C4R files, and give the user the option to upgrade if the file was indeed created by an older Revit version.

Tags (7)

Has this been implemented or is it still in the works?


No, to my knowledge nothing has been done to fix this issue, but I doubt they would invest in older cloud tech as classic C4R, I would hope that this is looked at for the next Gen c4r (BIM360 Design Collaboration) moving forward


In Revit 2024.2, we have implemented the new Revit Home which provides the ability to show projects in all Revit Versions. Projects in other Revit versions than the current running version will be displayed in a disabled state, with Revit version information. You can check more information from Project Visibility section of Help | New Revit Home: Tech Preview | Autodesk 

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