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Bulk change Parameters from Instance to Type (and vice-versa)

Bulk change Parameters from Instance to Type (and vice-versa)

Within the family editor, I'd like the ability to select multiple parameters and change them from Instance to Type or vice-versa. Regardless of the formulas within the parameter values.


It's a pain to have to remove formula's within parameters to convert them from one to the other.


"Yes, Revit, I know that I can't change this parameter to an Instance parameter unless I change the 3 others using it in their formula, but I can't change those unless I change this one"  <--Which results in me removing all formulas, changing each one by one from the Types dialog and then re-inputting the formula's.


If it would allow me to change them all in one process, that would eliminate the problems of instance parameters being used in a type parameter formula, etc. etc.


This would be very helpful.  Selecting them all and changing them is one option, another would be when that warning appears to provide an option to "change to an instance parameter", and a third would be to have a button to "suspend calculations" while you manipulated parameters and formulas. Exiting the edit parameter dialog would require turning on calculations again.

Community Manager
Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. Unfortunately, this idea did not get the support of the community over the last 6 months and as such we will not be pursuing it at this time. Please feel free to rework (titles and clear descriptions are really important) and resubmit this one down the road.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
Not applicable

It is a shame this topic has been archived, this would be a very useful property. Has this been solved in any way in the later versions of revit??


@Anonymous  - Agreed. It's unfortunate that they do get archived. I believe that I have seen other Idea's pulled from an archive, but I'm not clear on what makes the switch happen. As far as any functionality that has been introduced to help with this, I haven't seen or heard of anything.


@sasha.crotty, can you explain to us how an Idea can be un-archived and put back into the mix?





This idea should be actioned.  These sorts of things are basic functionality in a family editor and Autodesk should fix these issues without being begged!

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