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Browser Organization

Browser Organization

Add Schedule and Legend organization Tab. 



This also requires you add Legends and Schedules in catagories in Project parameters.

So we can create parameters to sort these by.


I would also like to see that the Browser Organization setting becomes "per user" and does not sync to central.  I frequently have users become confused that the browser organization changed because I wanted to look at which view Templates were assigned to which views.  This can function similarly to the new feature where a linked model can be unloaded per user.

oh no, that would be terrible if every user could organize the browser as they wish.

Our company have strictly rules how the browser must be organized and they are not allowed to change this.

So if this is implicated its has to be optionalSmiley Happy

Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for your submission and votes on this idea! We are evaluating where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision.


The Factory


@ViviNyehuusAndersen   I can appreciate that need for company standards, and the change I suggested would not impact how browser organization is setup with the different templates.  You would create a template for your office standard and have it be active by default in your office project template.  However, there are many other uses for the browser sorting which cannot be ignored when troubleshooting views, in particular the "NOT ON SHEETS" and sorting by view templates can be quite useful.


My argument was that if a user selects a different browser org setup and then syncs the project, other users will get that configuration when they reload the model.  This can be confusing for them.


It would be great if this could be extended to families and groups, too. Basically make the browser function the same for everything it shows. Large projects often have long lists of different annotation families and having a way to organize this into a few easier to navigate smaller ones would help a lot.

Status changed to: Accepted

At our Inside the Factory Live event this year, we discussed this request in detail.  We think this is a great idea and we've decided to add it to our roadmap.  Thanks for the suggestion and keep voting and the ideas coming!


The Factory

Not applicable

В "Организацию диспетчера проектов" добавить спецификации.

Not applicable

Views and sheets are able to be sorted by discipline / sub-discipline etc. It would be nice to be able to organize schedules.


I would like to see the ability to sort/group schedules and legends in the Project Browser, much like we can do with sheets and views.

Schedules could be sorted alphabetically (current option), based on their category, or based on other parameters.


For instance, this would allow us to group all door schedules in a sub-folder.


Additionally, filtering of schedules and legends within the Project Browser could be beneficial.

Tags (3)



it appears part of this was just implemented in 2018.1 last week.


Schedules can now be organized by category.


Adding this feature for legends, based on a custom parameter would still be nice.


This is an exact duplicate to


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Not applicable

Interesting points above on browser control!  Would be useful to have an option to toggle browser organisation by project or by user I think.



As a thought for some additional functionality, if you would be able to launch additional project browser windows I think this could allow a great deal of flexibility.

Keep a project browser as is, essentially the master browser.
Allow the creation of additional browser windows, with a pre-launch window to name it, and via checkbox include on all the categories that Browser would require from the full list:









This would allow anyone to create independent family browsers (as requested elsewhere) or view / sheet browsers as anyone might require.  Or custom schedule/legend browsers as requested .


Then, on any of these custom browsers, if similar filtering rules could be implemented, that would be fantastic!

Especially if the filter rule set could be expanded by say, sort by first hyphen/underscore separator, and second hyphen etc.



Implement the same grouping capability as in views  and schedules ! 


When creating a lot of legends this part gets really messy..!! 

Tags (1)

Does someone else think how stupid things we are asking from Autodesk? I mean these kind of ideas should be built in years ago into software. I see this as a basic thing which should absolutely be in their code already.

Buildings are getting more and more demanding and complex and we are asking a better project browser.

Is Autodesk actually using their softwares themselves in real projects? The problems what we are daily facing are so huge nowadays that it is not enough if Autodesk once a year provide some silly updates like 'Congratulations, now you can divide your legends into folders'. 

Please Autodesk do all the basic corrections to the next version and then start developing some real improvements what designers really need. You may be no. 1 BIM design software now but it won't last forever if you ignore the real needs. 


And what comes to basic things are:

Fully controllable project browser (For example views  should be able to sort by own parameter, Assembly folders)

Focus on reporting the information from objects. Now Revit is missing just basic information from objects. (Weight based on material density, Column slanting angle, Column height, Column coordinates, Parts linestyles according to it's category, Automatic dimensioning tool for precast elements, Reinforcement templates for ease adding, Analytical pile and pilecap family etc.)

Revit has small amount of everything but not one complete section or part for designing. 


Some versions back, Autodesk introduced the Browser Organisation to Schedules, which was a well overdue wait and an amazing update which kept schedules organised.  Why has this not been done for the Legends as well?  Please look into adding this helpful feature in the next Revit 2021 update.

Tags (1)

@sasha.crotty I can see this was accepted in 2016, but it´s still not posible to organise Legends in 2022. 

When can I expect this? 


Although initially accepted and implemented the functionality of this feature is limited. Can we please have the option to sort schedules by user created Types? The organisation of Views behaves in this way, it's frustrating that I can't group schedules without the use of additional custom parameters.  

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