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Bespoke Stairs design

Bespoke Stairs design

Would be nice to have more control drawing different shapes of stairs in Revit. In real life Architects and Interior designers like to explore shapes and challenge their suppliers for solutions on their design. As would be really good to be able to assign different materials for tread and nosing for example when you have a situation like you have a metal support with wood infill or even if you use a 'C' shape stringer the solutions for connections on small angles are not the best on the current versions (see attached files for it) and having the control under railings would be great as well. one of my images attached shows a break on the slope and in a real life situation that would not happen so why Revit does that???!!!!




There is a "gooseneck" or "goose-something" option for railings. You can find it in the Properties Palette. It should help you to some degree. I find it pretty clever option.

Status changed to: Archived

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