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Baugruppen Entwurfsoptionen verschieben (Move assemblies design options)

Baugruppen Entwurfsoptionen verschieben (Move assemblies design options)

Baugruppen lassen sich derzeit nicht den unterschiedlichen Entwurfsoptionen von Auswahlsätzen zuordnen. Sie liegen immer in der Basisvorlage.

Es besteht der Wunsch der Zuordnungsmöglichkeit von Baugruppen zu Optionen, um  Entwurfsvarianten abbilden zu können.


Assemblies cannot currently be mapped to the different design options of selection sets. They are always in the base template.

There is a desire to assign assemblies to options in order to be able to map design variants.

1 Comment

YES! Assemblies MUST be able to be added to design options for interiors, Mechanical, Electrical, Structural, and Architecture. Tilt up panels, interior finishes and cabinetry groups, Plate and connector assemblies for columns, roofs made on types of materials or prototype options for different regional stores or building types, single multi family... CRITICAL MISSING ELEMENT HERE!


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