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I second this. My students prefer to work on their own laptops, usually 15", instead of the computers in the classroom with 20" monitors, because they can carry all their files with them and not have to be concerned about file paths, missing images, etc. With small screens, the Project Browser and Properties palette take up a lot of room to be useful -- it would be *great* to have these be able to auto-hide on either side of the screen until needed.
This functionality actually exists within Revit but was never documented, and is buggy so I wouldn't recommend implementing it in a production environment.
Here's how to enable it.
Close Revit
Navigate to %appdata%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2024\
Edit the RevitUILayout.xml file
Change 'CanAutoHide' property value for your chosen palette from false to true
Save file and open Revit
I would love to see the Revit Development Team fix this bug so that it can be enabled and utilised fully.
There are many reason why people would want this feature, some people only have access to small monitors, have limited office space, or are travelling and don't have access to multiple monitors. Having the working area as large as possible is key and this functionality once fixed would massively improve the user experience of many Revit users across the globe.
That would be a great future especially when WFH from a laptop, i don't understand why this is in the RevitUILayout.xml file and not as an option in the Revit options, it looks buggy indeed, please fix it, it would increase efficiency and save screen space. Of course many things are hidden in Revit, there are commands not even shown in the shortcuts, please study Autocad and learn from it, there are so many things to learn from this amazing program. Thanks