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Alternative to Revit: When Revit becomes a freeware to everyone

Alternative to Revit: When Revit becomes a freeware to everyone

In case your license will expire, you could have SketchUp and Unreal Engine or maybe Blender, Revit is very expensive, and it does not guarantee at all, that it would guide the project management. Managers always resort to basic task organizers rather than being dependent to BIM....this BIM thing is not that universal, such BIM always follows a certain standard that such acquisition is becoming obsolete in the future due to custom-built projects and DIY skills or maybe 3D printing and laser cutting, or maybe prefab components.


I believe Revit and BIM will diminished and retire in the next few years due to freeware drafting tools of other developers...BIM is not that sensible, only financing entities appreciate it but artists and skilled workers who will do the project does not care about it, all they care is their skill or even care to be with AI 3D printing and laser cutting devices...BIM is more on the business side, and it does not make sense in the real acquisition of the construction activities...what people care on the ground is their equipment and tools and even high precision is not BIM they care about, and yet Revit is too expensive for nothing, Revit should be a freeware as a market strategy of Autodesk to make BIM accessible to people on the ground as well as embedding Revit on high precision cutting and casting tools...if BIM becomes a luxury, only those who are wealthy could access it and those people on the ground does not mind about it, in fact they (the people on the ground) are the ones who knew how does the project will go through....


If Revit freeware serves as an incentive to everyone, it could let people of all kinds in the construction understand how BIM works and they need an access to it for free, so they would help contribute future elements that would develop the algorithm of Revit in the next decades to come, Revit should be a universal platform for should be a platform for innovations in the construction detailing and building technology, by far developing complex Revit Family templates in accordance to the contribution of skilled workers on the ground would be a possible result...skilled workers are the one innovating the building science details of the construction project, as we call it as DIY and custom -built fabrications, and I believe Revit is too primitive about it, maybe Autodesk Inventor, but it is not Revit...if Revit could be access by ordinary skilled workers, it would help them (workers)  by being educated to the norms of BIM procedures and documentations in simple formats such as, for example:  analysis and estimations on simple work schemes such as "piece work" contracts...


it would be hard to consolidate ideas within if project managers would just waste time informing those workers without any idea of the BIM that should be the one orienting the workers in their own will...Revit should be access through Google apps, so workers could view their "piece work" task wherever they are, and no need to wait for the managers to orient them....that is why the exclusivity of Revit should be terminated and instead it must be accessible to all just like having a free social media account...when Revit is free to all, then, it gather data and opinion to anyone in the construction industry not just exclusively for project managers, engineers, and designers, it should suppose to be accessible to skilled workers so they could visualize it (the project) while they do prepare methods to maneuver in the construction process.


Autodesk executives should better think about it rather than making profit out of people who are so far away from the construction scene...what is the profit of Revit as a freeware? The collection of unlimited ideas from DIY and custom-built fabricators of prefabricated panels and construction may also "still" acquire a Revit exclusive license for executives whose subscription is more complex compare to the freeware version, it is likely, the old version Revit of 2017 or much older version might be the standard BIM freeware for everyone, and the latest version are the ones with standard license and subscription have to make Revit freeware a culture in the construction industry, in that way, Autodesk Trade mark will be immortalized in the next generations to come, come to think about it, it will be always a benefit to the company, which ever which way because it serves as an advertisement platform of BIM products as exclusively standardized by the trademark of Autodesk. (It is a win-win solution for everyone!!!)


Hi @heatherandgarry ,


Revit Viewer is free. Only think is that you can't not make changes on the models/drawings.


Also IFC / DXF / PDF file format are open standards to share information without a device capable of running Revit (like a web browser, a mobile phone or a MAC computer without windows).


Lol, BIM "retiring" in a few years? Yea, okay.


Its the design and construction professionals who aren't making the switch to BIM that will be gone before too long.


You have to remember that BIM is a process and that Revit is only one of many tools that enables this process. There are so many facets to true BIM project completion, but it starts with Revit. You can do great BIM planning prior to model commencement, but if people don't use Revit properly, then you can't use the model for anything down the projects' production line. I 100% agree about access to Revit. It is way too expensive. Autodesk are fleecing the industry and they don't even make things easier or listen to a fraction of the ideas in the forums. In order to get more SME AEC firms on board, they need to reduce the costs significantly. 


One of the main issues I see is that the majority of the industry think they are doing BIM by just opening Revit. BIM professions need to be regulated. There are far too many BIM leads who have no idea what BIM even stands for or who have never even used a BEP or create a LOD Matrix, or opened BIM 360, or know what ISO19650 is, or export an IFC, and so on and on and on. Autodesk need to slow down in the technology they are rolling out, they need to stop making changes to platforms such as BIM 360, and focus on the basics. This will help BIM awareness to grow thus leading to improved BIM process. 

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