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Allow Users to delete Appearance Assets

Allow Users to delete Appearance Assets

I'd like to modify our template file and Revit Library file and to delete Appearance Assets.


A lot of bad appearance assets have been created using "Autodesk Materials" and I am unable to delete these. For example, Concrete has bee created with "Autodesk Materials", so I cannot recreate it with a "Generic Material" Appearance Asset unless I create a new Appearance Asset names "Concrete(1)". I'd rather like to override the "concrete" Appearance Asset instead.


Please allow us to delete all the useless Material assets that our files have accumulated. We don't want to lose a lot of work and start a fresh file just because we are unable to purge "Material Appearance Assets".


I can't agree more with this.  Extraneous appearance assets clog up and bloat RFA content all the time.


Using Purge Unused you should be able to purge any appearance assets that are not in use.  

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