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Allow to copy calculated parameters

Allow to copy calculated parameters

There are buttons to edit or erase calculated parameters. I propose to introduce one to duplicate it. R2023 does not have this yet.


What would be the reason to duplicate a calculated parameter? You would still need to rename it and change the formula to make it useful. Just as easy to make a new one.


Also the calculated parameters are only available in schedules and you cannot currently duplicate any type of parameter when in a schedule. Duplicating parameters is only available in families, not in project.


I recently had to prepare a schedule to match a given Excel workbook. Said workbook had a number of empty columns which I matched using an empty formula (""). The said sad workbook also had copies of columns (probably) to ease the legibilty. Those could also be replicated by making a calculated parameter that in fact just showed the value of the original entry.
But then again these are ideas.

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