I have several items that I consider costume Annotation Families that I add to augment dimensions, notes, etc. But the problem I have is that the will only place inside the Crop Window, and will disappear if they are outside the Crop Window. I figured being Annotation Families they'd show up in the Annotation Crop area, but they do not. I think you should make it so that elements can have a toggle to be cropped by certain things.
For example, maybe I want Instance X to extend beyond the Crop Window, but stop at the Annotation Crop Window. Or maybe I don't want either Crop Window to bound Instance X. A good example of this I can think of is if I draw a detail line extending beyond the detail to show how it aligns with another detail on the page. Right now my work around for this thing is to do that on the Sheet, but the problem these is that Detail Lines don't snap to model elements in the view when your in the sheet. But if I could just control when a detail element is an isn't cropped, and at what boundary it is cropped at, than that would be helpful.