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Allow By-Linked-Views to display view references

Allow By-Linked-Views to display view references

I would like to request a change in Revit’s display of linked files when using ‘By Linked View’ visibility.
Currently, all annotation from the linked view is shown except for view references such as callouts or sections.
I suggest that these view references be displayed as well.


As our projects get larger and more complex, we strive to find good ways to divide up the Revit project files. It is our goal to keep project files under 200 megabytes, and have 5 or fewer users in a workshared file at a time. A project may be divided into 3 separate linked architectural Revit files for Core, Shell and Fit Out. Each project file contains all views and sheets related to the live model elements in that file. (We try to keep the tagging and dimensioning of linked elements to a minimum due to persistent loss-of-host issues).


The main problem is the overall plans. If they are in the Core file, they cannot show wall sections and building elevations from the Shell file, or Fit Out interior elevations. If they are in the Shell file, they cannot show stair and bathroom plans in the Core file. One would need to use 'dummy' callouts, which is dangerous. Admittedly, there could be some confusion if sheets had the same number in multiple files , but I don't think the risk is as great as the use of 'dummy' callouts, and could be solved with good coordination. And teams could always turn off the callouts on their sheets if they didn't want to work this way. Thanks for listening.


I need to be able to reference a detail in a LINKED file.


For example, the Bldg I'm currently working on consists of 3 files:  1 for the foundation, 1 for the architectural portion & 1 for the piping (we have a special template for each).


I need my ARCHITECTURAL FLOOR PLAN to reference a detail that's in the structural file.


@AnthonyViscusi That idea's more about View Templates and visibility - not actually referencing another view. For us, we often come across the situation where we have multiple models in a project and put the typicals in one of them, then want to reference those typicals from the other models. We wind up copying the sheets into the other models - which is fine until details get moved/renumbered. 😞 It would be nice if "Reference other view" could show views from the links as well - or maybe have a "link sheet" feature that would "ghost in" a sheet w/ it's views - that way you wouldn't have to scroll through ALL the views in the linked model - just the ones on the sheets you want.


I, and virtually everyone else at my firm, needs to be able to do this too.  I work at a large firm which does big projects.  My last one was a 2 million square foot hotel and convention center.  The teams are large enough and the data large enough that it makes sense to break the architectural model into parts.  It has become pretty typical for us to break out the exterior envelope into one model separate from the interior planning parts of the building.  This is because we tend to staff up the job with an experienced architect (and team of less experienced architects under him/her) who is in charge of developing the envelope and associated waterproofing details while another senior architect and his/her team is in charge of the planning.


To make modeling smoother and to minimize the number of models a person might have to open to complete a single task, we tend to put the sheets and annotative elements thereon associated with each team's scope in their model.  For example, the exterior elevation and wall section sheets live in the exterior envelope model while the floor plan and RCP sheets live in the interior planning model.  We experimented with all of the sheets living in one model, but that inevitably led to one having to open both models to make simple edits to a drawing.


Did I mention our projects are sometimes millions of square feet.  It can take upwards of 15 minutes to open a model sometimes.


We usually will set up the views on our sheets so that the annotative info from the other referenced model comes through using the "by linked view" feature in visibility/graphics.


One challenge comes when we want to show the wall section markers from the exterior model in the plan sheets of the interior model.  Elevation symbols are the same problem.  Revit simply drops these reference markers from the linked views.  They don't show up at all.


What I want is simply for the host model to display these references exactly as they appear in the linked model view at the time that link is loaded, either when first opening the host model or by reloading the link.


Our kluge solution to date is to set up special views that show only the references, then export those to CAD immediately before going to print for a milestone submission.  Those CAD views are then referenced into the host model views.  This works, but is pretty restricting to our workflow, is tedious to maintain, and adds another task on an already stressful day.  If you've ever issued a large set of drawings with lot's of consultant sheets as well as specifications, you know what I mean about "issue day" being a stressful day.


We too tend to have "standard details" sheets that have drafting views that need to be referenced in multiple models.  This is a little different problem, in my opinion, which I think intuitively would be handled by allowing views from linked models be selected from the "reference other view" command, like is suggested in this thread -


Dimensions from linked models are a similar but separate problem that I will address in a different topic sometime.


I am voting this one up.

Not applicable

Currently working on a project with 8 large revit files, It is MASSIVE residential project. Each building is different but they share the same details and language. We need this feature desperately.


I see it as two options you document EVERYTHING in one file and hope your computer doesn't melt or you do some form of dummy tags(CAD overlays, dummy sheets, custom tags, etc).


The first option really bogs down the model requires lots of reloading/permission relinquishing/ tagging issues/scheduling conflicts/joining issues. And it doesn't allow the ability to directly work on a "live" model on the sheet so to speak. Not to mention everything must be modeled correctly and very clean and the larger and complex the project/team the harder that becomes.


The second option allows one to document everything in the corresponding file which makes sense, you don't want to document BLDG-1 inside of BLDG-2. However once you show an overall plan or reference a typical detail/wall section that exists in another file there are no options. You either recreate a dummy sheet and dummy view or do some for of this manual referencing that has to be constantly updated. At this point Revit has reverted back 10 years.


The ability to do this almost already exists in Revit (by linked view) it just doesn't allow annotation reference to access this part of the API. Why not?



Would be great if possible to Reference Views from Linked models!




i am making mirror views of same floor with linked model mirrored

i need it to create "mirrored" sheets for contractors


please allow the visibility of that section lines and head to be shown in linked view or even by host


and with that i can show the right linked view section when i search them in the linked views selection



Tags (2)
Not applicable
As asked above "The ability to do this almost already exists in Revit (by linked view) it just doesn't allow annotation reference to access this part of the API. Why not?"

Yes, Autodesk. Why not? 

Do you have a more informed answer than using 'Dummy' View References? Are you working on a better solution for the firms that have multi-million sqft projects?



Not being able to connect and manage views/drawings/sheets between linked models is crippling, and the workarounds go 100% against the grain of what BIM is supposed to enable. 


And, this is totally possible to do in ArchiCAD, and has been for years.


And it's 2021 now:

I have to manage manually created and redundant 'fake' sheets with 'fake' drawings to coordinate multiple-model projects. But I can do generative design?

Thank you for the suggestions, @GallowayUS_com_RonAllen1 ! We will keep the first link separate, since displaying the sheets and actually using them for view references are similar, but different parts of the process. Does that make sense?


Thanks again!



We often work in campus projects with relatively simple models but need to leverage details across individual models and call them out in the sheets for each individual model. The view callout functionality which is so great in Revit, falls apart on most of our projects which are large transit facilities with multiple assets bundled in single contract packages. 

Community Visitor

forget it about referencing any file, but how about referencing linked file.

i think, more simple, if Revit reads the linked files views and sheets its enough to reference it... but when we click the reference to open, it can have message "No corresponding view is found"

Revit Developers Just make it Simple, its a just a need that we need to reference it.. for documentation purpose!!


i would like to see linked rvt model references. e.g let's assume Model A has 5 references. i linked this model A into Model B. I want to see Model A references in Model B. unfortunately revit don't have option to see nested referece file. These Nested view reference option is available on Open Building Designer platform. Same option required at Revit as well

Ideate has a clone tool to close sheets internally to a model. They are looking at ways to use it to close views to other models as well.
I wonder if freeze/link that frozen view would work with some view linking and coordination tools between models?

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