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Submitted byAnonymouson10-25-201710:15 AM
Gathering Support
Allow Appears In Sheet List to be included in sheet list fields
"Appears In Sheet List" cannot be added to a sheet list's fields, ironically. That parameter would be valuable to include in a sheet list for management of sheets from a schedule instead of having to do it from the instance properties of the sheet.
It would be redundant - you would only see it checked (since if it's UNchecked, it won't appear in the Sheet List)! That's also one reason why I don't recommend using it - Filter using other means, instead.
I leverage two sheet lists: one for the documentation, and one for management. The one used for documentation of course only shows the ones checked. However, in the schedule view of the one used for management, I want to include Appears In Sheet List as a field so it can be managed from that view. When issuing sets, it is faster to just make a project parameter to filter sheets for a particular set than to go back through the instance parameters of the sheets and uncheck Appears In Sheet List. Thus, it is my project parameter that becomes redundant.
No, actually that's why you can't use "Appears In Sheet List" (since there's an "invisible" Filter, you'll never be able to have a "management" schedule) - just stick with you project parameters (and ignore "Appears In Sheet List").
I also use a "working" sheet list which includes all sorts of other parameters to help me organize my sheets and format my actual sheet list correctly. I can see the value of this.
Which is precisely why Appears In Sheet List should be available and automatic filtering should not occur in the schedule view, but possibly only when the schedule is placed on a sheet. Honestly, no automatic filtering should be applied to any schedule in Revit unless the user explicitly sets the filtering.
@Anonymous If you had different contents between Sheet and Schedule views, that could be a problem - very confusing. I wouldn't mind if they exposed the Filter (so you could delete it in management schedules), but that's not likely to happen. Until then, as is often the case, the "Autodesk way" is NOT the best practice...
Revit does a lot of things "automatically" (that it shouldn't) - like "automatically" including Floors in a view that are outside of the view range (that we then have to "manually" track down and hide), modifying existing elements to meet new ones, etc....
I use "working" schedules all the time not just to manage schedules, but to manage all kinds of families. To me this seems to be a perfectly reasonable request and it would increase the utility of this feature. Like many other hard coded/ "built-in" parameters and features in Revit the limitations of this one makes it just shy of being really powerful. You can always create your own shared parameter for sheets and then use it as a filter (or not) depending on your schedule. I use a custom shared parameter in a similar manner for things like doors, furniture, casework etc. An even better solution for sheets would be to create a Sheet Set parameter (text parameter) and you can filter your schedules that way. Unfortunately two problems will remain - first; the built in Appears in Schedule will still remain and will take priority - and you will have to manage that, and secondly; your consultants are likely to complain about having to use a new custom parameter.
I feel that the "Appears in Sheet list" parameter should just be removed from Revit entirely and if we want to filter sheets out, then we do it the same way that we do for ALL other schedules. Why do Sheets get this option for their schedule, but NOTHING else does? It's confusing to many people and it also makes it difficult to manage your sheets in a working schedule situation (like others have mentioned).
I do agree with @lionel.kai, as it stands now having the Appears in Sheet list parameter in a schedule would be worthless. If it's on, you'll see it in the schedule, if it's off, you won't. So what good does it do to have it visible? If they change the behavior of this parameter away from what it's always been, this would cause more issues than just removing it entirely.
The built-in filtering of Sheet Lists for the Appears In Sheet List parameter would need to be removed for this to be effective... which is exactly what should be done!! Autodesk, please make it so!!!!
I would also like to see the this parameter and the Revision type parameters be available for the placeholder sheets as well. We use the placeholder sheets to add the Civil/Landscape sheets to our sheet list (and others that are not in Revit). When they have revisions we'd like to be able to manually put those in there so that appears in the sheet list. I use Xrev freebies UpRev Add-in to do this today, but it would be great if it were native to Revit.
Controlling the "appears in sheet list" toggle from a single location (like a schedule) would be preferable (more efficient) over clicking that toggle in each sheet. Also, being able to review this parameter information for every sheet in a single view would allow for quick resolution of any errors (wrong sheets being included in sheet list, for example).
I second this. We currently have a large project with many sheets that have "appears in sheet list" unchecked, and we want to review all of them. Not being able to see from the sheet list which sheets are marked to not appear in the list is a major drawback. As stated before, simply creating a shared project parameter would achieve the same result, with the added advantage of more flexibility.