By now we have a view categories for families to generate Wall openings like doors, windows, generic Models etc.
The Problem is that there are small openings for the Installation work which has to be implemented by the statics. In general Doors, Windows are ocupied by the Architect. generic Models are always crowded cause of the high usage. It would be nice to have a Category like secondary wall or Structural Openings openings wich has the same propeties as a door or a window for the structural Part of revit. i know that there are also some system families of wall openings but there i have the Problem of the Plan representation and to add aditional parameters needed for our work (calculated Parameters).
By now we used the category Mechanical Equipment for this openings, but we now have the problem that we have also some MEP planners in the same model so its not possible anymore to have an seperate category for this secondary openings.
BR. René