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ACTUALLY detached Central Model Files

ACTUALLY detached Central Model Files

Would love to have the ability to actually detach files from a Central Model. Right now you can fully detach and create a new local file ONLY if you discard previous work like worksets, views and sheets which is completely asinine and nonsensical. Would love to see the feature included where I can detach files from a central model and PRESERVE worksets WITHOUT creating a new central model. What's the point?! If I'm trying to detach to create a new file, why are you forcing users to create A NEW CENTRAL MODEL that's always looking for its past references and save location? It's completely contradictory, especially when  any file  can be turned into a central model. It makes no sense I have to discard worksets in order to create a standalone file that is actually detached from central. Please please please solve this. Really the only reasonable option is to be able to detach from central period and create a new independent file with or without previous worksets. If I want to preserve worksets and make a new central model, I can do that myself after the fact. Right now the only, messy, option you are giving users is to copy model elements from one file into a brand new fresh one, and we all know how unreliable the copy/paste function is in Revit.


 Please make it as easy to roll back making a central file as it is to make one. Currently you have it extremely easy to make a central file, but no real way to roll that back while preserving work that's already done. You can and should do better.


All you need to do is while in a local file do a save as and then click Options and check the "Make this a Central File".

This will make a new Central file from the project with everything in tact that is separate from the main Central File.




Yup that's the issue, I don't want another central file and I don't need the file to be its own central file after detaching.  I want a default, non-central, non-workshared project file afterwards.


I fail to see the benefit of it not being a central file. The only difference between a central file and a non shared file is that central files have worksets and can be worked on by more than one user at a time. Other than that there is no difference.


What is it you are trying to accomplish?


Well, that's why I posted on the idea board, wasn't expecting to get the problem fixed because the functionality isn't there, just suggesting it should be included, but I didn't exactly express myself well. Worksets are VERY useful beyond just work-sharing and managing multiple people working on the same file, they shouldn't be exclusive to a central model. You should be able to roll back a central file to a default project file while preserving worksets. I don't always need my file to be trying to find a network location, asking to sync or reload constantly, and keeping track of permissions and what's editable, asking if I want to create a local copy every chance it gets. What can I say, I really value being able to work offline independently, and there's some stuff about working on a central model that annoys me a bit. 



I see now so what you are actually asking for is for worksets to be available in non-shared models.

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