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Abandon "=" (equals sign) as formula qualifier

Abandon "=" (equals sign) as formula qualifier

Formula starting with equals sign.png

Please remove the added burdon of having to navigate the cursor to the start position in a data field in order to enter an = (equals sign) to start a formula. Revit should accept basic arithmetic functions in a data field directly - like adding or subtracting values from a starting value.


My guess is that the "=" is necessary because of us poor saps who are still stuck using Imperial measurements.

If we didn't have the equal sign to indicate a formula, how would Revit know if 5'-6" meant 66 inches or 5 feet minus 6 inches?

Maybe I should post a Revit Idea to get the USA to convert to Metric!

Like the rest of the civilized world?

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@dplumb_BWBR  seems the easy solution would be to skip the minus symbol inbetween digits, e.g. 5'6" for 66in, and conversely 5' - 6" for five feet minus six in?


Alas, it would be nearly as hard to get the Imperial world to drop the hyphen between feet and inches as to convert to metric.


@Anonymous wrote:

seems the easy solution would be to skip the minus symbol inbetween digits, e.g. 5'6" for 66in

You're not from around here, are you? 😉

Alas, as Bill says, I think it would be easier (not to mention far more beneficial) to get us laggards to stop bucking the rest of the world and join in a modern measurement system. <sigh> 


Not applicable

@dplumb_BWBR I guess a case could be made that you guys are from around here 😁 but yes, please join the (200 yrs old) revolution!

Not applicable

I use the "home" button on the keyboard a lot to get to the beginning of a field. But yeah, if I'm unlucky I have to use the mouse to click in the field to access it.

Not applicable

+ This.

Can't believe we have to actually come on the forum and ask for this to be removed, once again basic logical UI lacks in Revit. If the problem is actually caused by inputs related to the Imperial system, the = sign requirement should be removed from when working on projects with Metric system. 


Bumping an old thread here, but has anyone come across a way to do this yet?  At the very least, if the equals sign is necessary could it not go at the end of the formula to avoid having to move the cursor around?  Even better allow the symbol at the end and have to option of typing '**' or something instead of '=' so I dont have to move my hand away from the number pad.

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