They are built with respect to a LEVEL. Not the Finish Level. This is the same question you asked previously! Anywas here is how it works:
Option 1: Use Revit's Built in Sill Height.
When you place a window or door family in the model, you get access to a Parameter called Sill Height which you can associate with a global parameter to control all Windows or Doors of specific Height. (then you can use this parameter to create calculated values in TAGS or Schedules)
If you would be hosting your Doors or Windows on the OK RFB...you will need to make use of this parameter (in case of windows it would be: Fußbodenaufbau + Einbauhöhe ab OK FFB)
Option 2: Use custom Parameters in the Family
If you are using the German Library (Germans are too complicated) they prefer to place EVERYTHING on the FFL and carry out the computation in the Family. Therefore, what you are asking for is already in there. Look for the following parameters and make them shared if you want to use in Schedules and Tags.
In Windows:
- Vorgabewert für Einbauhöhe (User input)
- B_Leibungsschräge Unten (Calculate Value)
- Fußbodenaufbau (It is there but should always be set to 0)
In Doors:
- Fußbodenaufbau (User Input - Required to cut the portion of the screed at the door sill and to calculate the Rough Height)
- Höhe ab FBOK (Calculated Door Height based on various inputs which a user has to input ex: type of frame, cut or don't cut screed...etc)
Best to understand how they function, set a section and an elevation side by side in the project and flex the values
The problem of the German Library is that they over complicated the family with various options to suit so many situations that sometimes if you mix up with the parameters the family will break (example: set the Fußbodenaufbau to any value in the project it will prompt you with an error that something went wrong and was automatically fixed...it got fixed alright but in reality it messed up the readings lol)
The right thing to do is to take that library family and simplify it only to suit your needs and your workflow (remember fit out companies in Germany almost never use the OK RFB so what is not suitable for you is suitable for them)