@Anonymous wrote:
I recommend making your mass include the surfaces for all adjacent walls that need to join to the slanted wall.
If there is a top or ceiling surface you may want to include that surface too.
I suppose you mean I extend the wall by the thickness of the adjacent walls? (4 example; 3.5m + 0.5+0,2)
I'll give it a whirl, but you made me consider that the problem might not be the slanted wall, but the "normal" walls, since I've created the tilt on them using void extrusion cut.
(I'm quite new (1 week), and I'm unsure if by theory revit should be able to connect void cut walls with normal ones.
-I still dont know how much to expect from it to "figure out on its own"
I would try making the mass the same size as the void - i.e. to the inside of the wall faces then use the same technique for all the relevant walls and everything should join better...
could you clarify what you mean by "same technique";
attm, I'm unsure if I should use "wall by face" for adjacent walls; ATTM; I've gotten them to be of desired shape using "void extrusion+cut", and I'm not sure if those sort of walls+wall by face are meant to interact in revit. I'm still trying to figure out what "normal practice"/"tidy model" for revit is.
will test it at work tomorrow; but any "cutting of corners" is appreciated (pun intended 😉 )