Unchecking the Annotation Category in linked model doesn't hide the category


Unchecking the Annotation Category in linked model doesn't hide the category


I have a project with MEP links. 

I'm needed to hide the Symbols for outlets, data devices, Thermostats and such.

In looking at the family, they have a nested family that's a "generic Annotation" Category.

So I think to myself, I should be able to go into the VG, Set the link to custom, select the Annotations tab and set that to custom and Uncheck the box at the top right to turn off all annotation from that model.  But that didn't work.

However if I leave the overall check box on, and turn off all the categories individually it works.

This would seem counter intuitive to how this should work.  I'm thinking this is a bug.

One would think If I uncheck the overall box, it should turn off everything under it.  

Anyone have any insight as to why this works this way?

Thanks in advance.

13 Replies
Replies (13)


I have no problem turning them off.  Are you sure you changed the Display Settings of the link instance and not the link master (click on the plus sign next to the link name to expand it)?





Here's the before and after.

If I override the parent and the child is set to not overridden, it shouldn't make a difference.

But here's what I got, and it doesn't make any sense to me.

As you can see in the first screen shot I've unchecked the overall annotations for the link.

In the second, I've left the overall on and unchecked all of the categories.

One would think that if I unchecked the overall it should had the overall.

Am I missing something here?

The "D"s in the boxes are a nested family in the data device coming from a linked electrical model.

They appear when the overall is off.  They aren't visible when I uncheck the individual categories.





@dtpeter2901 wrote:


If I override the parent and the child is set to not overridden, it shouldn't make a difference.



Yes it should.  The instance link settings will override the master link settings.  If you turn it off in the master link using Custom, but the instance link is set By Host View, then the symbols still show in that view.


Do it for the instance link.



So if the instance isn't override, it doesn't follow the Parent?  

That makes no sense either.

But that's still not the root of my question.

My question was, if I uncheck the "Show annotation categories in this view" Check box, why is that different than unchecking all of the categories?


For kicks I tried what you had suggested and I get the same result.

Unchecking the "Show Annotation Categories in this view" checkbox doesn't hide it.  I have to leave that box checked and uncheck all of the categories manually.  

Anyway you look at it, it makes zero sense.




Those are not annotation categories. You should turn on Electrical Fixtures, and other similar electrical categories. 

Alfredo Medina _________________________________________________________________ ______
Licensed Architect (Florida) | Freelance Instructor | Profile on Linkedin


Ok I'll try to make this even more clear than I thought I already had.  But somehow I seem to keep missing the point.

I have a model (Model A).  In that model (Model A) I have a linked Model (Model B).

The Electrical Fixture families for Boxes and switches and such in Model B have a nested Family.  The nested family is a Generic Annotation Family.  That's the thing I'm trying to turn off in my plans.  (ie I want to see the modeled component from Model B in Model A, but not the Nested Generic Annotation family from Model B).


The instance in the link (The child) is set to not overridden so it should be following it's master of the link.  I did testing and for this question it makes no difference if I override the Instance of the link or the master.  Results are the same.


The attached image Shot1 in my previous post show that the link (model B) is set to custom, with Annotation set to Custom and the "Show Annotation categories in this view" Check box, unchecked.  With those settings The nested Generic Annotation family from model B is still displaying.


The Attached Image shot2 in my previous post shows that the link (Model B) is set to custom with the Annotation set to custom and the "Show annotation Categories in this view" Check box CHECKED, and all of the individual categories unchecked.  With these setting the nested Generic Annotation family from model ISN't displaying.  


Again this is counter intuitive and doesn't make sense.

I'm not changing anything else between the 2 screens shots.  One has the overall box unchecked and the other doesn't with the individual annotation categories unchecked.

Can't tell you why uncheck the entire Annotation categories box does not work but you don't need to uncheck every single box in there, only Generic Annotation box.

My guess is that uncheck the top box does not look deeper than objects directly belong to Annotation categories within the model, hence objects nested in other families are excluded.


@dtpeter2901 wrote:

... That's the thing I'm trying to turn off in my plans.  (ie I want to see the modeled component from Model B in Model A, but not the Nested Generic Annotation family from Model B).



Oh, sorry for my confusion. What you are trying to do is not possible, not even in the model that is being linked, and even less in the model that is the host for the link. The reason is that the the annotation families are nested into the electrical fixture families, but not shared. If the annotation families where shared, you could in theory do that, but it' not even possible to load shared annotation families into model families. 

Alfredo Medina _________________________________________________________________ ______
Licensed Architect (Florida) | Freelance Instructor | Profile on Linkedin


Well it is possible since I've done it.  (See the screens hots, I've got the results, just a strange workflow, was hoping someone else ran across this and might have some insight as to why they would program it this way)

What I don't get is the difference.  Seems like a flaw.

Again its about the difference in turning off the overall annotations in a linked model vs the individual categories.

The idea that because they are nested makes a little sense.  But not entirely.

Again, seems much more like a flaw in the matrix than Revit ability to do it.

It's just an odd result.  In theory you should get the same results with both settings.


I use the overall since I don't generally want to see any annotation from linked models.  Shared Grids, Matchlines, Scopeboxes...... None of it.

Being able to check that one back just saves time when dealing with lots of models in a project.



1 - All annotation in the link files except for the symbols nested into any families, can be turn off by uncheck the top box.
2 - All nested generic annotation symbols can be turn off by uncheck the Generic Annotation box.

1+2 = uncheck the Generic Annotation box 1st, then uncheck the top box and be done with it. It is only one more click really.


Thanks ToanDN.

I get that it's one or two clicks, but it still seems odd to me that it doesn't wok.

Thats it.

Thanks for the help.


@dtpeter2901 wrote:

Well it is possible since I've done it.  (See the screens hots, I've got the results, just a strange workflow, was hoping someone else ran across this and ..

I donยดt think so. What you have done is turned off all the annotation categories, OR turned off all the electrical categories. You have not turned off only the annotation symbols keeping the electrical devices, which is what you said you want to do.

Alfredo Medina _________________________________________________________________ ______
Licensed Architect (Florida) | Freelance Instructor | Profile on Linkedin


I see the same issue still applies in 2019.  Why you need to uncheck the individual check box and not the overall is still a mystery to me.  One would think if you unckeck a box that says "Show Annotation" you shouldn't be able to see it.