Did we address this before? Yes, I'm certain of it. Twice.
is setting the Parts visibility to Show Both not an option?
Howard Munsell
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@barthbradley no answer was really provided,
if these are just issues that revit has that can't be dealt with then fine, I'll find a workaround
I guess my question is if its good practice to use parts to finalize my sections - and if not, what would be best practice?
For instance,
I've used parts to both pull the slab away from the foundation wall as well as bring the insulation all the way down.
(Before anyone asks, it's not really possible to do this easily with assembly functions as I would run into several conflicts in other places. More to the point, sometimes I just need to extend a part and its not about which part takes precedence in the joining.)
I have little moments like this everywhere in my section. Parts seem ready-made to solve these issues but they have several issues themselves.
1) Can't Tag "original" families
2) Parts seem transparent,
4) Can't seem to control which part is in front and which is behind - it's set by the join.
3) I lose the original's lineweights.
So what's best practice? If I use filled regions then I lose out on the ability to cost things in the future, and its a pain. How do people handle these little fixes in sections?
Why not adjust the slab in the floor sketch or join geometry with the wall and unlock the wall layer to pull down by modifying the wall type instead of using parts and ofcourse setting up the wall/floor layer function priorities... all original elements to tag...
Parts I think is more meant to divide something into elements, also the basis for the precast functionality in revit 2021 for example, not to do this kind of stretching...
Firstly, I can't unlock floors or slabs,(why?) so most of the issues remain,
Secondly, unlocking my wall, (wall pictured below)
I get this glitch? where my wall just shows up black when I click to unlock them,
third I have to completely detach all walls of this type to do anything which will cause pain,
fourth I cant get the arrows the show up on the top of the wall, no matter how often I detach, would this be because the wall profile was edited?
This could all work if there were several more functions - structure 1-2-3 etc... But as it stands I can't have the insulation move through the slab.
@jfjacques wrote:Firstly, I can't unlock floors or slabs,(why?) so most of the issues remain,
Don't think it's nescarry since the join with the walls will sort the layering.
I get this glitch? where my wall just shows up black when I click to unlock them... I cant get the arrows the show up on the top of the wall, no matter how often I detach, would this be because the wall profile was edited?
Don't know, make sure to actually click the lock until it turns yellow and unlocks, can be tricky sometimes. No idea with regards to the glitch you are experiencing.
This could all work if there were several more functions - structure 1-2-3 etc... But as it stands I can't have the insulation move through the slab.
Are you suggesting to set your insulation to structure here?...
Sometimes the issue is just with floor- ei ceiling plaster extending past the exterior wall in an overhang.
Ok, glad to know it is a bug. F-Revit
No, I can't set it to structure because even if I got it to work appropriately for this slab, this would cause issues with the party wall and at other intersections. The need here, is for a lot more functions for instances just like these.
I think the takeaway is just to use fill region. F-Revit
Sorry to hear you're having this much trouble with it. Would love to help resolve it or help refine the workflow, although your question would probably be answered a lot quicker if you would share (part of) the model to see how you did the model... ofcourse if a filled region does the trick for you, that's great.