OK I'll bite.
Revit on a Mac will be like Acad on a mac - ie the bare bones of the product just to say "we did it". But it won't happen because there's no value in doing it. If you are an architect and you only have one computer, it needs to run windows. The hardware is irrelevant (being kind here - I'll ignore the one-button mice) because it's all the same these days anyway.
Macs will never take over the Construction Industry, because the rest of the industry runs on PCs. Architects are just one cog in a big machine.
Apart from the fact that it has a much more comprehensive set of fonts for things like DTP and design, - Architects don't work in the Design industry, they work in the Construction industry. (You know, the one with all the ugly men in big boots and sweaty engineers. It's not all colour swatches and feature lighting.) Save your DTP skills for marketing.
in-built PDF support I've been creating and plotting PDFs since Autocad on Windows 95. No Acrobat required.
lack of viruses, - Never had a virus in 20 years, always had protection. Macs aren't immune, there just aren't enough of them. Careful what you wish for.
lack of the ability by our IT people to interfere with how my machine works - I might just be jealous of this, but it's a bit childish if I'm honest, and says more about your company than general practice.
Then there are things like longevity, ...my machine doesn't slow down simply because of accumulated crap in the Registry, ... I don't get registry screw-ups than can stop my machine working properly,... - I've had my current PC for 4 years and it fully boots from cold in under 40 seconds. I reinstalled the OS (Win 7) about a year ago when I got my 480gb PCI SSD. I'm in no hurry to upgrade. Nothing slows it down.
...and things like higher quality hardware. I've got the same LG 28" screens that the Macs have, I have a 7-button CADmouse that cost me almost a £100. The system itself is an overclocked custom build and came with a 3 year warranty (as standard). A few of the components have a 5-year warranty, the PSU has 7.
If you've used a mac laptop style keyboard and got used to the way the keys work, I suspect you won't go back to a traditional PC-style one. I've got a mechanical keyboard that weighs a ton and I hate using those dead calculator keys. RSI is something I'm trying to avoid (see also multi-button mouse)
I'm using a 2008 Mac Pro with dual quad core Xeons. OSX is just window-dressing these days so your hardware comes from the same production line that mine does. 2x2.2Ghx eh? I've got an Intel 12-core chip clocked at 4.5Ghz.
Then there is the actual hardware design of the laptops.......Windows machines are built down to a cost. My 2009 Thinkpad W700 still runs everything when it need to. 17" 1920x1200 IPS screen, Quadro graphics, hardware colour calibrator, inbuilt Wacom tablet & stylus, 8Gb RAM, twin RAID HDD, full size keyboard, 170W PSU.
Choosing a Mac is almost like the equivalent of choosing say a Lexus or a Mercedes over a Renault a Peugeot or a VW. In terms of basic functionality they do the same, but the quality and reliability are streets ahead. My machines haven't skipped a beat since I first turned them on. And I use mine to the hilt. The PC hardly ever gets shut down.
I could go on, but I'm pretty sure I bored you a long time ago 🙂 Ditto there old chap
The thing it illustrates is that there are proper demonstrable and genuine benefits for me. It's not just that I like overpriced shiny, cool-looking designer kit. - I have no problem with that, so long as you can accept that my kit is shinier and bigger
Using Bootcamp for Windows apps eliminates the benefits of OSX.
And using Mac in the Construction industry eliminates a lot of the benefits of collaborative working.
If you need power and productivity in the construction industry, there is only one choice.
Macs had an edge years ago when they were married to the likes of Adobe but the divorce was acrimonious and long overdue.
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Intel 7740x - Quadro 6000 - 32Gb RAM - CADmouse - Logitech G710