That is unsettling. I tried it out on an installation of 2025 on my home computer, and I had no issues. I tried it using the out-of-the-box Imperial Multi-discipline template, and then I made a workshared version of that file, and it worked in both.
I thought it might be an issue with models upgraded from a previous release, so I created a model in 2024 from the Imperial Multi-discipline template. It worked fine in 2024, and when that model was opened in 2025, it still worked fine. I do not have time to test this with all the previous versions I have available tonight. I will make a note to see if I have any issues with the installation on my work computer on Monday, where I will also be able to try it out on copies of "real" models, including ones started in much earlier versions and with my firm's customizations in it.
I do not have many customizations or extensions installed here at home, just whatever Autodesk extensions were available when I did the installation. And my test files here only have out-of-the-box materials in them.
David Koch
AutoCAD Architecture and Revit User
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