Parametric Frame Family - mullions and transoms connected
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to build a parametric family to create a frame of beams and pillars already connected.
I would like to have the length of the beams defined by the boundary walls like "beam system" command, moreover the profile height, system height, number and distance between mullions totally editable by user.
Furthermore I should put a joint in the profiles when you exceed the maximum production length of it.
With my knowledge I started creating a nested "Generic Model" family with the union of a stretchable profile
(that is a "generic model" family too .. should I use the "profiles" family?)
and other two families of the anchoring and docking elements that connect the profile/beam to the wall and to the two mullions/pillars with equality constraint from the walls.
As a test I also added two types of different profiles.
The first problem of this family is that when I make the series of this portal I lose the ability to change its length automatically when i move the walls .
Problem 1: I have to solve the errror of the series when I edit the perimeter walls (if I change the length of the origin element, the portals become all the same length, but retain the angular alignment and lose lock with the wall)
Problem 2: I don't know how to bring up N reference planes (chosen by user) between the start reference plan and the end reference plan to insert the editable pillars.
Problem 3: Insert automatically a joint when the length of the beam exceeds a maximum length
Problem 4: How i can define the height of the pillars when they have two different reference plane but they are in the same family
I'm getting an other way using "Beam System" .. but there isn't in the family editor .. only in the model .. so i can't put it into a nested family.
Question is .. Can I define all these constrain in Dynamo and create an API to insert in a family?! so you can manage all parameters and interactions of the elements with Dynamo but then, once the family is designed, an "average user" is able to use the object?
thanks in advance to anyone who has the patience to answer me ...