Thanks for reaching out. Please find a screenshot attached here. The footing in this case was modeled higher than it should have been and we were trying to control the lines in section (last second before the job went out) by just hiding lines and drawing them where they should have been. When we made the main footing lines invisible, the line that was cutting through the screen (so to speak) was causing a dot to appear that we couldn't remove. Looking back, we could have just moved the footing down and added a new depth of footing to line up with the continuous footing meeting up with it, but we are Revit newbies and didn't know it was that easy at the time.
One workaround that I found was to override the graphics in view for that object, change the projection lines to "Line 1" (thin lines default Revit) and this made the dot disappear.
I know the modeled object is there, but it surprises me that Revit shows this line (or dot since it's perpendicular to the screen) knowing that this is a section cut. I understand a modeled object such as rebar, steel shape, etc. showing up as a cut section, but the line indicating a footing or other 3D large shape seems like it would have been excluded in section unless the section is cut at an angle to the object. But even then, I could see how most people wouldn't want to see that line - just the slice of wall they are trying to show in 2D form.
Could we also shrink the depth of the section cut to 0 to solve this maybe? Perhaps I'll experiment a little in the next few days.