Assembly in IFC gets distorted and changes its elevation level


Assembly in IFC gets distorted and changes its elevation level




We have nested family each containing specific data. Our client requires an IFC file where they can select an entire host family with a single click and, if necessary, select nested objects by holding Shift + click. However, during the export process, each nested family is being translated into a separate entity, which is not aligned with our client's requirements. 


After exploring potential solutions, I attempted to address this by utilizing the assembly option in Revit to group nested elements into an assembly. While this approach seemed promising, we encountered a challenge where some objects within the assembly changed their elevation level while retaining the floor level.

Additionally, I experimented with utilizing IfcSpatialContainer for each nested object, but unfortunately, this approach did not yield the desired results.


Given the complexity of the issue, we are seeking any solution or suggestion that could help us achieve our client's requirements without compromising on the integrity of the model during the export process.

Your insight and expertise in this matter would be immensely valuable to us, and we appreciate any assistance you can provide. 

(I have provided two images: one from Revit and the other from the IFC file. If these images may assist in identifying and addressing the issue.)

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. We look forward to your response.


Reply (1)


It should export as modeled in Revit. What IFC Exporter do you use? There's the 'internal' one and the plugin-one: Releases · Autodesk/revit-ifc (