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Spot Co-ordinate with respect to custom origin

Message 1 of 8
348 Views, 7 Replies

Spot Co-ordinate with respect to custom origin


Currently whenever we place Spot co-ordinate, it shows the coordinates with respect to Internal origin. 
In my project, I am placing a custom point, which will behave as plant origin. Now when I click on Spot co-ordinate, it should display coordinates with respect to custom origin point.




Tags (1)
Message 2 of 8

It is unclear to me whether you are asking this question from a programming or an end user point of view.


Are you doing anything programmatically yourself, or just using the standard Revit user interface?


If you are not doing anything programmatically yourself using the Revit API, I am afraid this is not the best place to ask such a question.


Please note that this discussion forum is dedicated to programming Revit using the Revit API.


So, you cannot expect an answer to a question such as yours relating to system requirements, installation, licensing, product setup, optimisation, usage or other end user support issues here.


You should try one of the non-API Revit product support discussion forums instead for that:


The people there are much better equipped to address this topic than us programming nerds.


If you are doing it programmatically, please be aware that the Revit API hardly ever supports any functionality that is not also available in the user interface.


Therefore, if the UI does not support this, the API will probably not do so either.


So, it will always help to research the optimal manual approach to a solution first, before attacking the task programmatically.


I hope this clarifies.


Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Best regards,




Jeremy Tammik Developer Advocacy and Support + The Building Coder + Autodesk Developer Network + ADN Open
Message 3 of 8

yes.  I am asking on Revit API point of view only.

Message 4 of 8

Great. So, how do you solve this task manually in the UI, please?


Jeremy Tammik Developer Advocacy and Support + The Building Coder + Autodesk Developer Network + ADN Open
Message 5 of 8

You can edit the spot coordinate type so that it is relative to the survey point or the project base point.

See here for more details (it says its for spot elevations but I tested it and it works for spot coordinates too). Note that if you tag an element in a linked model it will be relative to the linked model's survey point, project base point, or internal origin.


You could just use the survey point or project base point instead of your custom origin. Or, if you want your own family to serve as the origin, you could create an updater to move the survey point or project base point to your custom origin (if you don't plan on moving your family after placing it, you could just move the project base point or survey point to it). You probably don't even need an updater, you can try constraining the survey point or project base point to your custom origin using Revit's align command.

Message 6 of 8

I know in the UI it is not possible. I thought may be using API there would be some workaround.

Message 7 of 8

As @mhannonQ65N2 explains, there are ways to achieve this in the UI. If there were not, it would probably not be possible programmatically either. In this case, the programmatic solution may even enhance the UI. That is uncommon. Thank you very much for the great suggestions, @mhannonQ65N2 !


Jeremy Tammik Developer Advocacy and Support + The Building Coder + Autodesk Developer Network + ADN Open
Message 8 of 8

thanks @mhannonQ65N2  for your suggestions. But once the project is set up, we will never change the Survey point/Project base point. so I believe there is no solution for this. 

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