I'm doing a little research on something I used to do in AutoCAD pretty easily. At a command prompt with AutoCAD there's a number of available switches where you can specify files to open, and do a number of customizable options to files or the program itself.
Looking into a way to automate Navisworks dumps to occur at night, our projects are on B360, and it appears no flexibility on start up options? Is it possible to configure a start up option and a path to open then open a project?
I see there's a few addin's that accomplish these goals, but with some very heavy price tags.
Dear Jason,
Thank you for your query.
Are you asking about Navisworks or Revit or what?
Please note that this discussion forum is dedicated to programming Revit using the Revit API.
You can easily start up Revit automatically as a scheduled task from the operating system, specify the file path of a model to open and process, and automate that processing, e.g., by launching it in the DocumentOpened event:
But, as said, I have no idea whether you are talking about Revit at all, or something completely different.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Yes, Revit MEP. The options for Revit forums this seems the most appropriate.
Hi, how did you with this? We are looking for ways to load specific versions of Revit files as a scheduled windows task. Basically we want computer to automatically start to load RevitProject2021.rvt and RevitProject2022.rvt at 6:30AM before staff start work at 8:00AM so they don't wait and waste time for 20 minutes for projects to load. Much appricited
Dear Helpdesk,
Scheduling a Windows task is an easy standard operation:
Hi Jeremy,
Using task scheduler to open Revit is simple/easy. How then is it configured to open a specific project automatically when that task is run? This project could either be a cloud based (BIM360/ACC), local Central Model or local Project.
I have only used it with local files myself:
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