New Family instance on surface perpendicular to face


New Family instance on surface perpendicular to face

Not applicable

is this an issue with the way the family library was created and how do i overcome this issue. basically some surface hosted families are created vertical to the surface and some are parallel or laid down flat like a limpet on a rock. I don't think the ref dir will alter this it just rotates the families that are modelled perpendicular or like a train entering a vertical mountain tunnel.

Do I need to get my colleagues together to remodel this surface hosted library consistently or are their workarounds? Assuming this is indeed the problem I am not certain at this stage.


note: the host is a wall and the surface families are being hosted using the new family instance overload...


_doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(interiorFaceRef, location, refDir, symbol)





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I quote verbatim from this previous answer:


Open the Family and go to Family Category and Parameters. Towards the bottom of that dialog, enable the option "Work Plane-Based" and the disable "Always Vertical". Now, if this element in placed on a surface, it will remain associated with that plane. In order to properly place instances on wall faces using this family, you'll have to place them using Elevation or Section Views. Again, they element will be hosted by and will move with the wall.


If a Family is intended to be mounted to vertical faces only, consider the use of the "Generic Model face based" template, which will give you the option to "Place on Vertical Face" in Plan View. The same associated is applied, so the elements will move with the host.


Fyi, I found it by searching the Internet for:


  • "revit family vertical to host surface"


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Jeremy Tammik
Developer Technical Services
Autodesk Developer Network, ADN Open
The Building Coder