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How to understand the BoundingBoxUV of face

Message 1 of 3
1217 Views, 2 Replies

How to understand the BoundingBoxUV of face

Hi all!

I am recently doing something with AVF, and have some problems with the BoundingBoxUV of face. I use following codes to achieve the feature points of the bottom-left corner area of the face,  but the result shows that the feature points refer to the upper-right corner area.


 BoundingBoxUV boundingBoxUV = face.GetBoundingBox();
UV min = boundingBoxUV.Min;
double midU = (boundingBoxUV.Max.U + boundingBoxUV.Min.U) / 2;
double midV = (boundingBoxUV.Max.V + boundingBoxUV.Min.V) / 2;
UV mid = new UV(midU, midV);


I'm confused about this result! anyone can help me? Thanks in advance!



Message 2 of 3
in reply to: 1120415118

You need to know in which XYZ direction in 3D space the UV vector components U and V are pointing.


You can find out by projecting a XYZ point onto the face surface and seeing where it ends up:


  public void Project(
    XYZ point,
    out UV uv,
    out double distance


There is probably some more direct way to query either the face or its underlying surface for the U and V directions in 3D space.


Please find out and let us know.


Thank you!


Jeremy Tammik
Developer Technical Services
Autodesk Developer Network, ADN Open
The Building Coder

Message 3 of 3
in reply to: jeremytammik

Thanks for your replay, Jeremy Tammik.

Forgive my stupidity, I don't understand your method, but it inspired me to think of another way. I use Dynamo to query the U and V directions of the face, and I am glad to share it.


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