Hi, according to your recommendations I moved my .dll plug in to c:\Users\Jerry\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\
see here right window of TotalCommander and in back is newly launched Revit - no new TabPage - what can I do now ? ,
where is problem ? maybe the problem is somewhere amongst my ears 🙂 :
hovewer ... the situation is identical - no added tab page. I also obtained some journals simultaneously:
First: journal.0001.worker1.log
' 0:< Initial VM: Avail 8388397 MB, Used 12 MB, Peak 12; RAM: Avail 6285 MB, Used 33 MB, Peak 12
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9996, Used 4, User: Used 1
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:54.709; 0:< RevitWorker.exe 1
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:54.709; 0:< Worker Application Data: isWorkerForRevit=1, Name=RevitApplication, Ver=2015
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:54.709; 0:< ->UI-less InitNativeInstance
' 0:< Options::loadOptions: m_strDataLibraryLocations=Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2017\Libraries\Generic\ (defaultLib==\Library)
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -164 -> 8388233 MB, Used +32 -> 44 MB, Peak +38 -> 51 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 6283 MB, Used +47 -> 80 MB, Peak +47 -> 80 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9996, Used 4, User: Used 1
' 0:< SystemSettings:
' 0:< 4=multiCoreCharacteristic
' 0:< true=isProcessUserModeExceptionPolicyDisabledForCallbackFilter
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -78 -> 8388156 MB, Used +15 -> 60 MB, Peak +9 -> 60 MB; RAM: Avail -35 -> 6249 MB, Used +27 -> 108 MB, Peak +27 -> 108 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 10
' 0:< Autodesk Revit 2017
' 0:< 64-bit load point = C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017
' 0:< this journal =
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(NavisWorks Draw Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(External Resource Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(NavisworksExportService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a9bdf0fd-2632-429e-bc35-50ebc2b824d2) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Code Checking Parameter Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(de6db8de-dea6-40bd-9503-4ffe62ff6143) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(FramingProfileService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b2f816c0-6493-4537-8067-78a4e67f559e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Modify Connection Parameters Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e9c0f948-320e-4e7f-a573-10755555305d) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Connection Type Changed Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e31c3100-9cab-4303-b85b-4171703ce1c4) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(SteelConnectionsService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(282385f9-9627-4057-8b74-826d019f103c) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Section Type Parameter Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(c42c9b55-c491-4611-97e9-9e617958e13e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Internal Forces Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct Fitting/Accessory Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe Fitting/Accessory Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Plumbing Flow Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(bf0da776-5307-4747-8285-f358e92a90d0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(IFC Export Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit IFC Exporter); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(ef8d0493-7f36-42b5-b9aa-8aaac716482b); ServiceId(d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(IFC Import Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(98d317e2-e943-4cc0-a3da-2edf32a5d942) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit IFC Importer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(660a7370-f6d6-43c8-8456-6b2eea785110); ServiceId(98d317e2-e943-4cc0-a3da-2edf32a5d942) }
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:55.489; 0:< manage debug modes
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:55.489; 0:< MFCApp::testGraphicsHardware
' 0:< Revit Graphics Information
' 0:< Current Mode : DirectX Hardware
' 0:< Use Hardware: ON
' 0:< Use Overlays : ON
' 0:< START CanUseHardware(forced)
' 1:<
'OGS Device Memory Size: 1152 MB
' 1:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -57 -> 8388099 MB, Used +42 -> 103 MB, Peak +44 -> 104 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 6242 MB, Used +14 -> 122 MB, Peak +15 -> 123 MB
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 11
' 1:< DX Device: DirectX 11, Hardware
' 1:< DX Device: DirectX 11, WARP
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:55.657; 1:< START video card certification
' 1:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -21 -> 8388079 MB, Used +4 -> 108 MB, Peak +3 -> 108 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 6231 MB, Used +5 -> 128 MB, Peak +4 -> 128 MB
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 11
' 1:<
'Current driver version:
'Certified driver(s):
' 1:< VIDEO CARD ENVIRONMENT: CARD="VMware SVGA 3D" ManufacturerID="15AD" DeviceID="0405" osID="2000" DRIVER="" DEVICE="DX11" FL_Caps="40" (Shader Model)
' 1:< Video card is blacklisted or feature level '40' is too low - cannot use hardware
' 1:< Software Mode Forced
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:55.740; 1:< FINISH video card certification
' 0.250589 1:<<<CanUseHardware(forced)
' 0:<
'Can use hardware=n
'Hardware support flags:
' 0:< FINISH CanUseHardware(forced)
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:55.740; 0:< MFCApp::testMSAA
' 0:< Revit Graphics Information
' 0:< Current Mode : DirectX Software
' 0:< Use Hardware: ON
' 0:< Use Overlays : ON
' 0:< DX Device: DirectX 11, WARP
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:55.753; 0:< <-UI-less InitNativeInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:55.753; 0:< ->UI-less InitManagedInstance
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -448 -> 8387631 MB, Used +11 -> 119 MB, Peak +12 -> 120 MB; RAM: Avail -29 -> 6203 MB, Used +10 -> 138 MB, Peak +11 -> 139 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 12
' 0:< DBG_INFO: The addin file -AddPanel.addin- in current user folder is duplicated with the one in internal addin folder.: line 525 of AddIn\AddInManagerUtils.cpp.
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 8387627 MB, Used 119 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 6186 MB, Used +1 -> 140 MB, Peak +2 -> 141 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 12
' 0:< DBG_WARN: The assembly -AddPanel.addin- in internal addin C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\AddPanel\AddPanel.dll is not signed as internal addin.: line 802 of AddIn\AddInManagerUtils.cpp.
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387627 MB, Used +0 -> 120 MB; RAM: Avail +25 -> 6212 MB, Used +7 -> 148 MB, Peak +6 -> 148 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 12
' 0.236272 1:<<<DictionaryAnalysis::initialize
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -252 -> 8387376 MB, Used +70 -> 190 MB, Peak +69 -> 190 MB; RAM: Avail -130 -> 6082 MB, Used +96 -> 244 MB, Peak +96 -> 244 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 12
' 0:< To make IFC server work.
' 0:< ExternalDBApplication KeynoteDBServer.ServerApp (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\Keynote\KeynoteDBServer.dll) was not loaded in RevitWorker
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Prutok instalacních zarizovacích predmetu); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(56121d7d-e1d7-42a3-bed8-f4d1d32058c8); ServiceId(bf0da776-5307-4747-8285-f358e92a90d0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Zjednodušená Colebrookova rovnice); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(ea275fb1-5d7b-47d6-b828-bf856df9bfd5); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Altshulova-Tsalova rovnice); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(042a10e0-8d24-46a4-9596-d192b3125d0c); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Haalandova rovnice); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(2e9a77c0-62a0-4693-9442-33312be60ad7); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Haalandova rovnice); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(58ea1b7c-2fca-453f-9ab9-7a3b9927ecc1); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Colebrookova rovnice); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(e395a0ec-48a4-4255-b957-afbb3d73cb67); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Colebrookova rovnice); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(0875f550-6141-4e34-a6b7-547cf9cfda01); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 8387373 MB, Used +0 -> 191 MB, Peak +2 -> 192 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 6069 MB, Used +2 -> 246 MB, Peak +2 -> 247 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 12
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: StraightSegmentCalculationServersApp, Class: StraightSegmentCalculationServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\StraightSegmentCalculationServers.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Není definováno); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(76eff5da-2e71-45f7-b940-cc5716328ba0); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Koeficient z tabulky ASHRAE); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(8baf7d75-8b9b-46d0-b8ce-3ad1c19e6b19); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Merný koeficient); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(5a598293-1504-46cc-a9c0-de55c82848b9); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Merná ztráta); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(46245996-eebb-4536-ac17-9c1cd917d8cf); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Není definováno); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(61e7b8e1-16d1-4fe4-82f0-327af736323f); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Koeficient K z tabulky); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(51dd5e98-a9dd-464b-b286-4a37953610bf); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Merný koeficient); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(32d58662-b467-4f7b-b728-f6ad7b7ba5e3); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Merná ztráta); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(16f4f7be-0ac0-461d-a9a4-1d3511cd280e); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers, Class: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(SteelConnectionsServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(9c209d4a-ec98-460f-bfde-38f17a3443b4); ServiceId(282385f9-9627-4057-8b74-826d019f103c) }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -6 -> 8387367 MB, Used +2 -> 193 MB, Peak +6 -> 199 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 6057 MB, Used +8 -> 254 MB, Peak +9 -> 256 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 12
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(FramingProfileServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(54e490cd-8809-4dbb-84dd-dc0bc6cb1712); ServiceId(b2f816c0-6493-4537-8067-78a4e67f559e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: ExternalResourceDBServer, Class: RvtSteelConnectionsDB.SteelConnectionDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\SteelConnections\RvtSteelConnectionsDB.dll }
' 0:< ExternalDBApplication Autodesk.Revit.UI.Collaborate.CollaborateDBApplication (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\CollaborateDB.dll) was not loaded in RevitWorker
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.638; 0:< <-UI-less InitManagedInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.640; 0:< Start RevitProcessMonitor
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.640; 0:< Log Summary
' 0:< .Count
' 0:< ...DBG_SOMETHING = 2
' 0:< ...DBG_WARNING = 1
' 0:< .Marshalling
' 0:< ...CompactCaching = 1 (Enabled)
' 0:< .ThreadPool
' 0:< ...ActivePoolSize = 26
' 0:< ...ConfiguredPoolSize = automatic
' 0:< ...ParallelCores = 4
' 0:< ...RequestedPoolSize = automatic
' 0:< .Tuning
' 0:< ...ElemTable = 1 (Serial except when multithreaded)
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.665; 0:< logging slave opened MasterQueue Session4700_P0MasterQueue
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.666; 0:< logging slave opened SlaveQueue Session4700_P1SlaveQueue
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.668; 0:< logging started queue minder
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.668; 0:< logging started worker services
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:04.668; 0:< ->Worker accepting requests
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 8387364 MB, Used +0 -> 194 MB; RAM: Avail -239 -> 5819 MB, Used +1 -> 256 MB, Peak +1 -> 258 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9988, Used 12, User: Used 13
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.456; 0:< logging slave liberated
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.456; 0:< <-Worker accepting requests
' 0:< [00000aa0]QueueMinder stopped
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.457; 0:< logging finished virtualization services
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.457; 0:< logging finished worker services
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.459; 0:< logging erased queues
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.459; 0:< Log Summary
' 0:< .Count
' 0:< ...WorkerRequestHandledDeferredSecondary = 1
' 0:< ...WorkerRequestHandledImmediate = 1
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.460; 0:< ->UI-less ExitManagedInstance
' 0:< Forcibly removing all update triggers for all Updaters
' 0:< Unregistering all external services.
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.499; 0:< <-UI-less ExitManagedInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:41.499; 0:< ->UI-less ExitNativeInstance
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail +36 -> 8387400 MB, Used -30 -> 164 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 5814 MB, Used -4 -> 253 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9992, Used 8, User: Used 11
' 0:< FormOrAbandon exec= 1 (parallel= 0) self= 0.000162 sec (avg= 0.000) rollup= 0.000162 (avg= 0.000)
' 0:< InstrumentationTask exec= 1 (parallel= 1)
' 0:< QueueMinder exec= 1 (parallel= 1)
' 0:< TaskFileExists exec= 130 (parallel= 123)
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail +45 -> 8387446 MB, Used -4 -> 161 MB; RAM: Avail +10 -> 5824 MB, Used -12 -> 241 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9992, Used 8, User: Used 9
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.053; 0:< <-UI-less ExitNativeInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.054; 0:< End RevitProcessMonitor
and also journal.0001.txt file:
' 0:< Initial VM: Avail 8388348 MB, Used 14 MB, Peak 14; RAM: Avail 6606 MB, Used 48 MB, Peak 14
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9995, Used 5, User: Used 3
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:36.590; 0:< started recording journal file
' Build: 20160225_1515(x64)
' Branch: RELEASE_2017_RTM
Dim Jrn
Set Jrn = CrsJournalScript
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:36.592; 0:< ->desktop InitApplication
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:36.620; 0:< <-desktop InitApplication
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:36.621; 0:< ->desktop InitNativeInstance
' 0:< Options::loadOptions: m_strDataLibraryLocations=Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2017\Libraries\Generic\ (defaultLib==\Library)
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -26 -> 8388322 MB, Used +4 -> 19 MB, Peak +4 -> 19 MB; RAM: Avail -25 -> 6581 MB, Used +11 -> 59 MB, Peak +11 -> 59 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9985, Used 15, User: Used 25
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:37.467; 0:< License initialization complete
' 0:< License version:
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -172 -> 8388151 MB, Used +31 -> 51 MB, Peak +34 -> 53 MB; RAM: Avail -73 -> 6509 MB, Used +49 -> 108 MB, Peak +49 -> 108 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9985, Used 15, User: Used 49
' 0:< SystemSettings:
' 0:< 4=multiCoreCharacteristic
' 0:< true=isProcessUserModeExceptionPolicyDisabledForCallbackFilter
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 8388131 MB, Used +8 -> 59 MB, Peak +5 -> 59 MB; RAM: Avail -26 -> 6483 MB, Used +15 -> 124 MB, Peak +15 -> 124 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9978, Used 22, User: Used 63
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:38.280; 0:< manage licensing
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -29 -> 8388102 MB, Used +4 -> 64 MB, Peak +4 -> 64 MB; RAM: Avail -50 -> 6433 MB, Used +12 -> 137 MB, Peak +12 -> 137 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9978, Used 22, User: Used 67
' 0:< License mode: Standalone
' 0:< Status: Your license is non-expiring.
' 0:< Type: Standalone - Locked
' 0:< Usage: Commercial
' 0:< Behavior: Permanent
' 0:< Expiration: None
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -667 -> 8387436 MB, Used +96 -> 160 MB, Peak +96 -> 160 MB; RAM: Avail -106 -> 6328 MB, Used +133 -> 270 MB, Peak +133 -> 270 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9824, Used 176, User: Used 166
' 0:< Autodesk Revit 2017
' 0:< 64-bit load point = C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017
' 0:< this journal = C:\Users\Jerry\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2017\Journals\journal.0001.txt
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -9 -> 8387427 MB, Used +1 -> 161 MB, Peak +1 -> 161 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 6313 MB, Used +4 -> 275 MB, Peak +4 -> 275 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9824, Used 176, User: Used 166
' 0:< Journal Init
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:54.534; 0:< Log Summary
' 0:< .Count
' 0:< ...PendingMessages = 10
' 0:< .Marshalling
' 0:< ...CompactCaching = 1 (Enabled)
' 0:< .ThreadPool
' 0:< ...ActivePoolSize = 26
' 0:< ...ConfiguredPoolSize = automatic
' 0:< ...ParallelCores = 4
' 0:< ...RequestedPoolSize = automatic
' 0:< .Tuning
' 0:< ...ElemTable = 1 (Serial except when multithreaded)
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.535; 0:<
Jrn.Data "JournalDefaultTemplate" _
, "Construction Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\Generic\Default_M_ENU.rte, Architectural Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\Generic\Default_M_ENU.rte, Structural Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\Generic\Default_M_ENU.rte, Mechanical Template=$AllUsersAppData\Templates\Generic\Default_M_ENU.rte"
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.535; 0:<
Jrn.Data "JournalDefaultViewDiscipline" _
, "Coordination"
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.535; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "Version" _
, "2017.000", "2.153"
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.535; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "Username" _
, "Jerry"
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "CategoryDisciplineFilter" _
, -1
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "DisciplineOption" _
, 7677
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "TabDisplayOptions" _
, "StayOnModifyInProject", 0
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "TabDisplayOptions" _
, "StayOnModifyInFamily", 1
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "TabDisplayOptions" _
, "ActiveCtOnSelection", 1
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "AllowLinkSelection" _
, 1
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "AllowFaceSelection" _
, 0
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.536; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "AllowUnderlaySelection" _
, 0
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.537; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "AllowPinnedSelection" _
, 1
'H 30-May-2017 11:18:54.537; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "ThinLinesEnabled" _
, 0
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:54.559; 1:< logging master created MasterQueue Session4700_P0MasterQueue
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:54.560; 1:< logging started queue minder
'C 30-May-2017 11:18:54.560; 1:< logging started worker services
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 8387417 MB, Used +0 -> 162 MB, Peak +2 -> 163 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 6297 MB, Used +2 -> 277 MB, Peak +3 -> 278 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 166
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(NavisWorks Draw Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(External Resource Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(NavisworksExportService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a9bdf0fd-2632-429e-bc35-50ebc2b824d2) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Code Checking Parameter Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(de6db8de-dea6-40bd-9503-4ffe62ff6143) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(FramingProfileService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b2f816c0-6493-4537-8067-78a4e67f559e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Modify Connection Parameters Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e9c0f948-320e-4e7f-a573-10755555305d) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Connection Type Changed Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(e31c3100-9cab-4303-b85b-4171703ce1c4) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(SteelConnectionsService); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(282385f9-9627-4057-8b74-826d019f103c) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Section Type Parameter Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(c42c9b55-c491-4611-97e9-9e617958e13e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Internal Forces Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(IFC Export Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit IFC Exporter); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(ef8d0493-7f36-42b5-b9aa-8aaac716482b); ServiceId(d8b95737-f943-414c-9ad7-86785bf1acbc) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(IFC Import Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(98d317e2-e943-4cc0-a3da-2edf32a5d942) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit IFC Importer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(660a7370-f6d6-43c8-8456-6b2eea785110); ServiceId(98d317e2-e943-4cc0-a3da-2edf32a5d942) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct Fitting/Accessory Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe Fitting/Accessory Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe Pressure Drop Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Plumbing Flow Calculator); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(bf0da776-5307-4747-8285-f358e92a90d0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(External Resource UI Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(1fe75ba7-79d4-45f6-8e31-c1b83d4476a9) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Point Cloud Snapping Service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(aaa05780-790c-43dc-bc41-1c2150227f45) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Duct fitting and accessory pressure drop UI service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external service: Name(Pipe fitting and accessory pressure drop UI service); VendorId(ADSK); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -33 -> 8387385 MB, Used +4 -> 166 MB, Peak +4 -> 168 MB; RAM: Avail -24 -> 6273 MB, Used +5 -> 282 MB, Peak +5 -> 283 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< DBG_INFO: The addin file -AddPanel.addin- in current user folder is duplicated with the one in internal addin folder.: line 525 of AddIn\AddInManagerUtils.cpp.
' 0:< DBG_WARN: The assembly -AddPanel.addin- in internal addin C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\AddPanel\AddPanel.dll is not signed as internal addin.: line 802 of AddIn\AddInManagerUtils.cpp.
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 8387373 MB, Used +13 -> 179 MB, Peak +11 -> 179 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 6253 MB, Used +8 -> 290 MB, Peak +6 -> 290 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0.227718 1:<<<DictionaryAnalysis::initialize
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -221 -> 8387152 MB, Used +67 -> 247 MB, Peak +67 -> 247 MB; RAM: Avail -155 -> 6098 MB, Used +91 -> 381 MB, Peak +91 -> 381 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< To make IFC server work.
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 8387150 MB, Used 247 MB, Peak +2 -> 249 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 6088 MB, Used +1 -> 382 MB, Peak +2 -> 383 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit Default DB Server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(bd4f0f53-394a-4468-b37e-1e7949013382); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: KeynoteDBServer, Class: KeynoteDBServer.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\Keynote\KeynoteDBServer.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Plumbing Fixture Flow); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(56121d7d-e1d7-42a3-bed8-f4d1d32058c8); ServiceId(bf0da776-5307-4747-8285-f358e92a90d0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Simplified Colebrook Equation); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(ea275fb1-5d7b-47d6-b828-bf856df9bfd5); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 8387149 MB, Used 247 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 6076 MB, Used +0 -> 383 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Altshul-Tsal Equation); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(042a10e0-8d24-46a4-9596-d192b3125d0c); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Haaland Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(2e9a77c0-62a0-4693-9442-33312be60ad7); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Haaland Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(58ea1b7c-2fca-453f-9ab9-7a3b9927ecc1); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Colebrook Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(e395a0ec-48a4-4255-b957-afbb3d73cb67); ServiceId(8c707bd6-ecd6-4150-a0df-bd6c85dd9bb0) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Colebrook Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(0875f550-6141-4e34-a6b7-547cf9cfda01); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: StraightSegmentCalculationServersApp, Class: StraightSegmentCalculationServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\StraightSegmentCalculationServers.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Not Defined); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(76eff5da-2e71-45f7-b940-cc5716328ba0); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Coefficient from ASHRAE Table); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(8baf7d75-8b9b-46d0-b8ce-3ad1c19e6b19); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Coefficient); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(5a598293-1504-46cc-a9c0-de55c82848b9); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Loss); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(46245996-eebb-4536-ac17-9c1cd917d8cf); ServiceId(785d0bd7-3088-489a-af7a-593fc32e2540) }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387149 MB, Used 247 MB; RAM: Avail +17 -> 6094 MB, Used 383 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Not Defined); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(61e7b8e1-16d1-4fe4-82f0-327af736323f); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(K Coefficient from Table); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(51dd5e98-a9dd-464b-b286-4a37953610bf); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Coefficient); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(32d58662-b467-4f7b-b728-f6ad7b7ba5e3); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Specific Loss); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(16f4f7be-0ac0-461d-a9a4-1d3511cd280e); ServiceId(b8656566-e4ef-4e6a-bedb-9ecc6b5a2780) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers, Class: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\FittingAndAccessoryCalculationServers.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 8387148 MB, Used +0 -> 248 MB, Peak +4 -> 254 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 6079 MB, Used +2 -> 385 MB, Peak +6 -> 389 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(SteelConnectionsServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(9c209d4a-ec98-460f-bfde-38f17a3443b4); ServiceId(282385f9-9627-4057-8b74-826d019f103c) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(FramingProfileServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(54e490cd-8809-4dbb-84dd-dc0bc6cb1712); ServiceId(b2f816c0-6493-4537-8067-78a4e67f559e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: ExternalResourceDBServer, Class: RvtSteelConnectionsDB.SteelConnectionDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\SteelConnections\RvtSteelConnectionsDB.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 8387146 MB, Used +1 -> 250 MB; RAM: Avail -31 -> 6049 MB, Used +4 -> 390 MB, Peak +0 -> 390 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpening event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387146 MB, Used 250 MB; RAM: Avail +15 -> 6064 MB, Used 390 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 168
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External DB Application: CollaborateDB, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.Collaborate.CollaborateDBApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\CollaborateDB.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -26 -> 8387120 MB, Used +8 -> 258 MB, Peak +4 -> 258 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 6051 MB, Used +12 -> 402 MB, Peak +12 -> 403 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9821, Used 179, User: Used 172
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application RaaS (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_IN_CLOUD' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'RaaS' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\RaaSApplication.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application RaaS (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_IN_CLOUD' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'RaaS' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\RaaSApplication.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application RaaS (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_GALLERY' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'RaaS' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\RaaSApplication.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application RaaS (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_PHOTO_RENDER_GALLERY' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'RaaS' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\RaaSForRevit\RaaSApplication.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application RaaS (d4f6554b-5d68-4a13-beec-4a0647c34408). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: RaaS, Class: Autodesk.RaaS.RevitAddin.EApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: RaaSApplication.dll }
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:04.879; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskSymbol" _
, "0.ExternalEvent"
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: AutoLoad, Class: AutoLoader.AutoLoader, Vendor : ADSK(), Assembly: AutoLoader.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 8387117 MB, Used 258 MB, Peak +0 -> 259 MB; RAM: Avail -24 -> 6028 MB, Used +1 -> 404 MB, Peak +1 -> 404 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387117 MB, Used 258 MB; RAM: Avail +24 -> 6052 MB, Used 404 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:05.184; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskSymbol" _
, "1.OnIdleTask"
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387117 MB, Used 258 MB; RAM: Avail +13 -> 6065 MB, Used 404 MB, Peak +0 -> 405 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FabricationPartBrowserChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'FabPartBrowserApplication' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\FabricationPartBrowser\FabricationPartBrowser.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Fabrication Settings CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'FabPartBrowserApplication' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\FabricationPartBrowser\FabricationPartBrowser.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Fabrication Settings Executed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PART_SHOW_SERVICE_IN_PART_BROWSER' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'FabPartBrowserApplication' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\FabricationPartBrowser\FabricationPartBrowser.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Show Service in Part Browser
'Show Service in Part Browser
'Show Service in Part Browser CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: FabPartBrowserApplication, Class: FabricationPartBrowser.FabPartBrowserApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: FabricationPartBrowser.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct not defined pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(607992d7-359d-4593-b497-8aa238e2c564); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct specific coefficient pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(9641a039-441e-42e2-93a6-c0e2177cc23c); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct specific loss pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d3b5e81d-9b8c-40da-8efb-99dd37fda611); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Duct coefficient from table pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(25fa8de2-67c4-47d1-91f6-bd6f0803a5ed); ServiceId(52009bda-c817-4aef-aa31-36dc3742516e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe not defined pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(62917391-e14d-4897-ad0c-05342d71e4f9); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe specific coefficient pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(247265b6-7b71-4147-97c6-cc52b39c12aa); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe specific loss pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(5978b92a-3f0b-4691-bbc8-caf2fae20a71); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Pipe K coefficient from table pressure drop UI server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(cda19b6f-fbd5-4725-a0ce-f159bf5d02fe); ServiceId(1931b323-1d29-4083-b1ce-bfdcddd011af) }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 8387116 MB, Used +0 -> 259 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 6054 MB, Used 404 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationUIServers, Class: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationUIServers.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: FittingAndAccessoryCalculationUIServers.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_EXPORT_IFC' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'IFC override' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\IFCExporterUI\IFCExportUI.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Export to IAI IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format Executed event by application IFC override (e78da2e3-7e89-464c-97cd-2212c8be3fa8). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: IFC override, Class: BIM.IFC.Export.UI.IFCCommandOverrideApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: IFCExportUI.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387116 MB, Used 259 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 6065 MB, Used 404 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Import Shape, Class: ImportShape.ImportShape, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: ImportShape.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Revit Default UI Server.); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(3ffc688a-bb2e-4145-90ab-9443da02aef6); ServiceId(1fe75ba7-79d4-45f6-8e31-c1b83d4476a9) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: KeynoteUIServer, Class: KeynoteUIServer.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: KeynoteUIServer.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387116 MB, Used 259 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 6055 MB, Used +0 -> 405 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Internal Forces Server); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee); ServiceId(a97444aa-af8d-4a1e-af1f-fa7b77b368ee) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Member Forces, Class: MemberForcesUI.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: MemberForces.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_NUMBERING_REINF_PARTITIONS' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Object Numbering' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\ObjectNumbering\ObjectNumberingUI.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Object Numbering (32b5860a-aec9-4df7-96b0-07168b27446e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_NUMBERING_REINF_PARTITIONS' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Object Numbering' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\ObjectNumbering\ObjectNumberingUI.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Object Numbering (32b5860a-aec9-4df7-96b0-07168b27446e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Object Numbering, Class: BIM.Numbering.UI.NumberingUIApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: ObjectNumberingUI.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_DUCT_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Duct Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report CanExecute event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_MEP_SELECT_PIPE_PRESSURE_LOSS_REPORT' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'PressureLossReport' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2017\AddIns\MEPCalculation\PressureLossReport.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Pipe Pressure Loss Report Executed event by application PressureLossReport (b00d3753-d3bc-4255-9c97-e389de87a5d6). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: PressureLossReport, Class: PressureLossReport.PressureLossReportApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: PressureLossReport.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(SectionTypeParameterServer); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(1b91ce46-ddb4-44ec-a942-d45efadde353); ServiceId(c42c9b55-c491-4611-97e9-9e617958e13e) }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Structural Section Properties, Class: SectionProperties.ServerApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: SectionProperties.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 8387114 MB, Used 259 MB, Peak +0 -> 260 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 6043 MB, Used 405 MB, Peak +1 -> 406 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\Collaborate.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Collaborate Executed event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\Collaborate.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Collaborate CanExecute event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_360' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\Collaborate.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Executed event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_360' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Collaborate' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\Collaborate.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command CanExecute event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Collaborate, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.Collaborate.CollaborateApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\Collaborate.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_BROWSER' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'CollaborateBrowser' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\CollaborateBrowser.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command A360 Projects Executed event by application CollaborateBrowser (901c7e33-857c-4c9c-846c-8f971c7cf72a). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_COLLABORATE_BROWSER' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'CollaborateBrowser' dll 'C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\CollaborateBrowser.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command A360 Projects CanExecute event by application CollaborateBrowser (901c7e33-857c-4c9c-846c-8f971c7cf72a). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: CollaborateBrowser, Class: Autodesk.Revit.UI.CollaborateBrowser.CollaborateBrowserApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\CollaborateBrowser.dll }
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:06.353; 0:< Loading bcg.dll: Autodesk.Bcg, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d672471c03b2c408
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 8387111 MB, Used +3 -> 262 MB, Peak +2 -> 263 MB; RAM: Avail +13 -> 6056 MB, Used +3 -> 409 MB, Peak +2 -> 409 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:06.664; 0:< SkyscraperClientHost: Initialize Success: True
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: SkyscraperClientHostApplication, Class: SkyscraperClientHost.SkyscraperClientHostApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\A360 Collaboration for Revit 2017\SkyscraperClientHost.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6400, name: , text: Glue, class: BIM360RevitAddin.GlueItCommand, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\BIM360Glue\BIM360GlueRevit2017Addin.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6401, name: , text: Clash
'Pinpoint, class: BIM360RevitAddin.GluePinPointCommand, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\BIM360Glue\BIM360GlueRevit2017Addin.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6402, name: , text: Equipment
'Properties, class: BIM360RevitAddin.EquipmentCommand, assembly: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\BIM360Glue\BIM360GlueRevit2017Addin.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -14 -> 8387098 MB, Used +10 -> 273 MB, Peak +20 -> 284 MB; RAM: Avail -10 -> 6047 MB, Used +13 -> 422 MB, Peak +22 -> 431 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application Ribbon (c82755fa-ff61-5113-9a07-27b2127a13e5). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application Ribbon (c82755fa-ff61-5113-9a07-27b2127a13e5). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Ribbon, Class: BIM360RevitAddin.HorizontalRibbon, Vendor : BIM360(Autodesk, Inc, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: BIM360Glue/BIM360GlueRevit2017Addin.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationInitialized event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentCreated event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSaved event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ApplicationClosing event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail 8387098 MB, Used 273 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 6033 MB, Used +0 -> 423 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9817, Used 183, User: Used 174
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_TEAM' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Communicator for Autodesk Revit' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\Communicator\SmartMonkey.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Communicator Executed event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_TEAM' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Communicator for Autodesk Revit' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\Communicator\SmartMonkey.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Communicator CanExecute event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Communicator for Autodesk Revit, Class: Autodesk.Revit.SmartMonkeyPlugin.SmartMonkeyApplication, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: Communicator\SmartMonkey.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivating event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosed event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VISUAL_PROGRAMMING_DYNAMO' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Dynamo For Revit' dll 'C:\Program Files\Dynamo 0.9\Revit_2017\DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo
'Dynamo CanExecute event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo
'Dynamo BeforeExecuted event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VISUAL_PROGRAMMING_DYNAMO' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Dynamo For Revit' dll 'C:\Program Files\Dynamo 0.9\Revit_2017\DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Launch Dynamo
'Dynamo Executed event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Dynamo For Revit: Sun and Shadow Settings Updater' registered for all documents.
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Dynamo For Revit (8d83c886-b739-4acd-a9db-1bc78f315b2b). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Dynamo For Revit, Class: Dynamo.Applications.VersionLoader, Vendor : ADSK(Dynamo), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Dynamo 0.9\Revit_2017\DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VIEWS_FOR_A360' Executed implementation with implementation from application 'Views For A360' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\.\ExportViewSelectorAddin\ExportViewSelectorAddin.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Views For A360 Executed event by application Views For A360 (78bd1446-1817-4842-8075-591b0424acaa). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Replacing command id 'ID_VIEWS_FOR_A360' CanExecute implementation with implementation from application 'Views For A360' dll 'C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\.\ExportViewSelectorAddin\ExportViewSelectorAddin.dll'. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API registering command Views For A360 CanExecute event by application Views For A360 (78bd1446-1817-4842-8075-591b0424acaa). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: Views For A360, Class: Autodesk.Revit.Addin.ExportViewSelector.ExportViewSelectorApp, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: .\ExportViewSelectorAddin\ExportViewSelectorAddin.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6403, name: , text: Convert RFA
'to FormIt 360, class: RFAToAXMAddon.RFAToAXMCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormIt 360 Converter For Revit 2017\FormIt360ConversionAddon\RFAToAXMAddon.dll }
' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 8387097 MB, Used 273 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 6045 MB, Used -1 -> 422 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9808, Used 192, User: Used 177
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6404, name: , text: Convert SKP
'to FormIt 360, class: RFAToAXMAddon.SketchUpToAXMCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormIt 360 Converter For Revit 2017\FormIt360ConversionAddon\RFAToAXMAddon.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6405, name: , text: Import FormIt 360
'to RVT, class: AXMImportorAddon.AXMImportorCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormIt 360 Converter For Revit 2017\FormIt360ConversionAddon\AXMImportorAddon.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6406, name: , text: Reload Families, class: AXMImportorAddon.ReloadFamiliesCommand, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormIt 360 Converter For Revit 2017\FormIt360ConversionAddon\AXMImportorAddon.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6407, name: , text: About FormIt 360, class: FormItConverter.FormIt360Link, assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormIt 360 Converter For Revit 2017\FormIt360ConversionAddon\FormItConverterRibbon.dll }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Starting External Application: FormIt Conversion, Class: FormItConverter.Ribbon, Vendor : ADSK(Autodesk, www.autodesk.com), Assembly: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormIt 360 Converter For Revit 2017\FormIt360ConversionAddon\FormItConverterRibbon.dll }
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:10.572; 0:< ->processShellCommand
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:10.573; 0:<
Jrn.Command "Internal" , "Show or hide recent files , ID_STARTUP_PAGE"
' 0:< ::1:: Delta VM: Avail -28 -> 8387069 MB, Used +13 -> 287 MB, Peak +3 -> 287 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 6033 MB, Used +10 -> 433 MB, Peak +1 -> 433 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9811, Used 189, User: Used 186
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:10.834; 0:< <-processShellCommand
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:10.835; 0:< ->DesktopMFCApp::doStartupWarnings
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:10.835; 0:< License readyForUI
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:10.983; 0:< manage involvement
' 0:< ::1:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 8387058 MB, Used 287 MB; RAM: Avail -10 -> 6023 MB, Used +1 -> 434 MB, Peak +1 -> 435 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9811, Used 189, User: Used 185
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.034; 0:< manage debug modes
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.034; 0:< MFCApp::testGraphicsHardware
' 0:< Revit Graphics Information
' 0:< Current Mode : DirectX Hardware
' 0:< Use Hardware: ON
' 0:< Use Overlays : ON
' 0:< START CanUseHardware(forced)
' 1:<
'OGS Device Memory Size: 1152 MB
' 1:< ::1:: Delta VM: Avail -103 -> 8386955 MB, Used +32 -> 319 MB, Peak +33 -> 321 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 6006 MB, Used +17 -> 452 MB, Peak +18 -> 454 MB
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9810, Used 190, User: Used 199
' 1:< DX Device: DirectX 11, Hardware
' 1:< DX Device: DirectX 11, WARP
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.517; 1:< START video card certification
' 1:<
'Current driver version:
'Certified driver(s):
' 1:< VIDEO CARD ENVIRONMENT: CARD="VMware SVGA 3D" ManufacturerID="15AD" DeviceID="0405" osID="2000" DRIVER="" DEVICE="DX11" FL_Caps="40" (Shader Model)
' 1:< Video card is blacklisted or feature level '40' is too low - cannot use hardware
' 1:< Software Mode Forced
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.585; 1:< FINISH video card certification
' 0.550037 1:<<<CanUseHardware(forced)
' 0:<
'Can use hardware=n
'Hardware support flags:
' 0:< FINISH CanUseHardware(forced)
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.585; 0:< MFCApp::testMSAA
' 0:< Revit Graphics Information
' 0:< Current Mode : DirectX Software
' 0:< Use Hardware: ON
' 0:< Use Overlays : ON
' 0:< DX Device: DirectX 11, WARP
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.599; 0:< postConditionalWarnings
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.599; 0:< giveAtomRegistrationWarnings
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:11.599; 0:< warnings->consumeAll
' 0:< TaskDialog "Hardware Acceleration disabled. Software emulation mode is in use."
'Id : TaskDialog_Graphics_Options_Cannot_Use_Hardware_Acceleration
'CommonButtons : Close
'DefaultButton : Close
' 0:< ::1:: Delta VM: Avail -39 -> 8386917 MB, Used +18 -> 337 MB, Peak +17 -> 338 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 5989 MB, Used +28 -> 481 MB, Peak +27 -> 482 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9780, Used 220, User: Used 200
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:14.818; 0:< Process result of DebugModes-Changed Task Dialog
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:14.818; 0:< isMaterialLibraryAvailable
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:14.819; 0:< start up warnings for AddIns
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:14.820; 0:< <-DesktopMFCApp::doStartupWarnings
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:14.820; 0:< <-desktop InitNativeInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:14.820; 0:< ->desktop InitManagedInstance
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:15.046; 0:< <-desktop InitManagedInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:15.054; 0:< appPriv idle
' 0:< BuildNumber : 7601
' 0:< BuildType : Multiprocessor Free
' 0:< Caption : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
' 0:< CodeSet : 1252
' 0:< CountryCode : 1
' 0:< CSDVersion : Service Pack 1
' 0:< FreePhysicalMemory : 6132988
' 0:< FreeSpaceInPagingFiles : 8388088
' 0:< FreeVirtualMemory : 14571656
' 0:< MaxProcessMemorySize : 8589934464
' 0:< OSLanguage : 1033
' 0:< OSType : 18
' 0:< ServicePackMajorVersion : 1
' 0:< ServicePackMinorVersion : 0
' 0:< TotalVirtualMemorySize : 16774316
' 0:< TotalVisibleMemorySize : 8388088
' 0:< Version : 6.1.7601
' 0:< Process affinity mask : F
' 0:< System affinity mask : F
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:15.949; 0:<
Jrn.Command "StartupPage" , "Open this project , ID_FILE_MRU_FIRST"
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:15.950; 0:<
Jrn.Data "MRUFileName" _
, "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\29\hotel R2017.rvt"
' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 1:< RAM Statistics: 5986 / 8191 484=InUse 485=Peak
' 1:< VM Statistics: 8386915 / 8388607 339=InUse 340=Peak
' 2:< ::2:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 8386915 MB, Used +1 -> 339 MB, Peak +1 -> 340 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 5977 MB, Used +4 -> 485 MB, Peak +4 -> 486 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9779, Used 221, User: Used 207
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(A360); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) }
' 2:< File: Open
' 3:< DataStorage 000000000D957170 is created
' 3:< Connecting session [$c5265ff0] to Worksharing Log [C:\Users\Jerry\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2017\Journals\journal.0001.txt]
' 3:< Additional IP address/name found for host WIN-A249JB4L2UH: fe80::343f:c4e:3d1b:7f13%13
' 3:< Additional IP address/name found for host WIN-A249JB4L2UH:
' 4:< DataStorage 000000000D956C70 is created
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:16.126; 6:<
' [Jrn.BasicFileInfo] Rvt.Attr.Worksharing: Not enabled Rvt.Attr.UserName: Rvt.Attr.CentralModelPath: Rvt.Attr.RevitBuildVersion: Autodesk Revit 2017 (Build: 20160225_1515(x64)) Rvt.Attr.LastSavePath: C:\29\hotel R2017.rvt Rvt.Attr.ProjectSpark: notProjectSpark Rvt.Attr.LocaleWhenSaved: CSY
' 7:< [ISL] On open, Adler Checksum: 0xb208efe2 [C:\29\hotel R2017.rvt]
' 6:< [ISL] Read last modification time: 29-May-2017 18:08:23 (UTC: 29-May-2017 16:08:23)
' 6:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -8 -> 8386907 MB, Used 339 MB; RAM: Avail -10 -> 5968 MB, Used +10 -> 495 MB, Peak +9 -> 495 MB
' 6:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9777, Used 223, User: Used 207
' 6:< File was saved in Autodesk Revit 2017 (Build: 20160225_1515(x64))
' 8:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -44 -> 8386864 MB, Used +15 -> 354 MB, Peak +14 -> 354 MB; RAM: Avail -33 -> 5935 MB, Used +19 -> 515 MB, Peak +19 -> 515 MB
' 8:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9777, Used 223, User: Used 207
' 8:< Loaded elemStream#32: uncompSize=17023286, compSize=3090576, count=25001
' 0.406129 8:<<<loadLatestVersion
' 7:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 8386852 MB, Used +12 -> 366 MB, Peak +12 -> 366 MB; RAM: Avail +3 -> 5938 MB, Used +5 -> 521 MB, Peak +5 -> 521 MB
' 7:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9777, Used 223, User: Used 207
' 0.269989 8:<<<commitSwapouts
' 0.676736 7:<<loadSelectedEpochs
' 0.721984 6:<<TrustedUtility::readStreams/ALL_GAPS 0.045248/Threshold_GAPs 91%
' 7:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail +1 -> 8386853 MB, Used +1 -> 368 MB, Peak +1 -> 368 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 5922 MB, Used +2 -> 523 MB, Peak +2 -> 523 MB
' 7:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9777, Used 223, User: Used 215
' 0.108176 8:<<<updating dependencies in delayed deletion
' 0.120273 7:<<overall delayed deletion from upgrade/ALL_GAPS 0.012097/Threshold_GAPs 86%
' 0.207350 6:<<ADocumentUpgrade::docUpgrade [C:\29\hotel R2017.rvt]/ALL_GAPS 0.087076/Threshold_GAPs 2%
' 1.092635 4:<<loadSerialize/ALL_GAPS 0.163301/TurnOff_GAPs 100%
' 1.092975 3:<<LoadFromStorage
' 2:< No key-based tree File: RevitKeynotes_Imperial_2004.txt - in this Library Location: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2017\Libraries\Generic\ - file does not exist: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2017\Libraries\Generic\RevitKeynotes_Imperial_2004.txt
' 2:< No key-based tree File: UniformatClassifications.txt - in this Library Location: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2017\Libraries\Generic\ - file does not exist: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2017\Libraries\Generic\UniformatClassifications.txt
' 4:< Unnecessary nesting;Document\PostLoadDocument.cpp;184;String_Revit_DelayedPropagatoinRegen ;N++E(N);
' 5:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 5:< RAM Statistics: 5922 / 8191 525=InUse 525=Peak
' 5:< VM Statistics: 8386853 / 8388607 368=InUse 368=Peak
' 5:< Element Expansion Statistics:
' 5:< 0% Opening Plans (0)
' 5:< 0% Opening RC Plans (0)
' 5:< 0% Opening 3d Views (0)
' 5:< 0% Opening Elevations and Sections (0)
' 5:< 0% In Regnerate (0)
' 5:< 0% In Autojoin (0)
' 5:< 0% In Overlap Checking (0)
' 5:< 0% Reviewing PostedWarnings (0)
' 5:< 100% Other (1431585)
' 5:< total bytes expanded: 1431585
' 5:< ;EES;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;100;
' 6:< Connecting session [$6ff90067] to Worksharing Log [C:\Users\Jerry\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2017\Journals\journal.0001.txt]
' 6:< Additional IP address/name found for host WIN-A249JB4L2UH: fe80::343f:c4e:3d1b:7f13%13
' 6:< Additional IP address/name found for host WIN-A249JB4L2UH:
' 3:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail 8386853 MB, Used 368 MB; RAM: Avail +12 -> 5935 MB, Used +3 -> 527 MB, Peak +3 -> 527 MB
' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9777, Used 223, User: Used 215
' 3:< Unnecessary nesting;Document\PostLoadDocument.cpp;440;ID_SETTINGS_SNAPPING ;N++E(N);
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.186; 4:< The current load request is an automated one.
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.232; 4:< The current load request is an automated one.
' 3:< Document save history --> :
' 3:< Revit LT 2016 2016 (2016.000) : 20150220_1215
' 3:< Revit 2017 2017 (2017.000) : 20160225_1515(x64)
' 3:< Document save history <--
' 0.130078 3:<<[Cloud]postLoadDocument
' 1:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -7 -> 8386847 MB, Used +6 -> 374 MB, Peak +6 -> 374 MB; RAM: Avail -24 -> 5911 MB, Used +15 -> 542 MB, Peak +15 -> 542 MB
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9779, Used 221, User: Used 215
' 1.333745 2:<<FormOrAbandon::openFromModelPath [C:\29\hotel R2017.rvt]/ALL_GAPS 0.110692/Threshold_GAPs 4%
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:17.364; 1:<
Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]"
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.434; 2:< Protein : initialize RPC plug-ins
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -22 -> 8386826 MB, Used +7 -> 382 MB, Peak +7 -> 382 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 5894 MB, Used +9 -> 552 MB, Peak +9 -> 552 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9757, Used 243, User: Used 246
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.451; 2:< Protein : Register Preview Factories
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.451; 2:< Protein : Initialize Renderer Module
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.451; 2:< Protein : Open Protein content Libraries
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 8386821 MB, Used +7 -> 389 MB, Peak +8 -> 391 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 5905 MB, Used +6 -> 558 MB, Peak +7 -> 559 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9757, Used 243, User: Used 246
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.587; 2:< Protein : Load Library:
' 2:< C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\Materials\2017\assetlibrary_base.adsklib
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:17.587; 2:< Protein : Texture Path:
' 2:< C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures/
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail 8386821 MB, Used 389 MB; RAM: Avail -40 -> 5866 MB, Used +1 -> 559 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9757, Used 243, User: Used 246
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:19.149; 2:< Protein : Notify Plugins to load the content on the asset library
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:19.150; 2:< Protein : Register the Protein RenderingAsset Manager
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:19.180; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "GlobalToProj" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 0.01041666666667 _
, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:19.181; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1.00000000000000 _
, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:19.182; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1352, 607
' 2:< Before : Create Display Manager
' 2:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 2:< RAM Statistics: 5859 / 8191 559=InUse 559=Peak
' 2:< VM Statistics: 8386821 / 8388607 390=InUse 391=Peak
' 2:< Revit Graphics Information
' 2:< Current Mode : DirectX Software
' 2:< Use Hardware: ON
' 2:< Use Overlays : ON
' 2:< After : Create Display Manager
' 2:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 2:< RAM Statistics: 5862 / 8191 559=InUse 559=Peak
' 2:< VM Statistics: 8386821 / 8388607 390=InUse 391=Peak
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -9 -> 8386813 MB, Used +3 -> 393 MB, Peak +1 -> 393 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 5851 MB, Used +4 -> 564 MB, Peak +4 -> 564 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9402, Used 598, User: Used 324
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:19.277; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "ScreenResolution" _
, 370, 1050
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail 8386813 MB, Used 393 MB; RAM: Avail +15 -> 5867 MB, Used 564 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9402, Used 598, User: Used 317
' 2:< Activate "[hotel R2017.rvt]" , Floor Plan: Level 1
' 2:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits.
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 8386811 MB, Used +12 -> 405 MB, Peak +13 -> 406 MB; RAM: Avail +14 -> 5881 MB, Used +17 -> 581 MB, Peak +17 -> 582 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9364, Used 636, User: Used 324
' 2:< AddressWidth : 64
' 2:< Architecture : 9
' 2:< Availability : 3
' 2:< Caption : AMD64 Family 21 Model 1 Stepping 2
' 2:< CurrentClockSpeed : 3616
' 2:< DataWidth : 64
' 2:< Description : AMD64 Family 21 Model 1 Stepping 2
' 2:< Family : 2
' 2:< L2CacheSize : 2048
' 2:< Level : 21
' 2:< Manufacturer : AuthenticAMD
' 2:< MaxClockSpeed : 3616
' 2:< Name : AMD FX(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor
' 2:< ProcessorType : 3
' 2:< Revision : 258
' 2:< Role : CPU
' 2:< SocketDesignation : CPU #000
' 2:< StatusInfo : 3
' 2:< Stepping : 2
' 2:< Version : Model 1, Stepping 2
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:20.886; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1652, 926
' 2:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000067 seconds averaging 0.000067 seconds/hit for 1 hits.
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail 8386811 MB, Used +1 -> 406 MB, Peak +1 -> 408 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 5867 MB, Used +2 -> 583 MB, Peak +2 -> 584 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9355, Used 645, User: Used 343
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:21.155; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1448, 824
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:21.158; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1428, 804
' 5:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail +3 -> 8386814 MB, Used +0 -> 407 MB; RAM: Avail +12 -> 5880 MB, Used -1 -> 582 MB
' 5:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9225, Used 775, User: Used 390
' 3.882693!!!! 3:!!!BIG_GAP [Cloud]openOntoDesktop
' 2:< FileCheckTrigger dependencies update
' 2:< DBG_INFO: Detected unfrozen change of selection.: line 616 of d:\ship\2017_px64\source\revit\revitui\modscope\ModScope.cpp.
' 6:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail -8 -> 8386806 MB, Used +12 -> 419 MB, Peak +10 -> 419 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 5870 MB, Used +1 -> 584 MB
' 6:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9225, Used 775, User: Used 390
' 6:< DBG_INFO: If bHandleEdgeInCutPlane is true, bUseVertexTol should also be true.: line 2268 of GeomXSec.cpp.
' 2:< <<Begin build CT>>
'Edit mode: IDR_COMMON
'Category: 0
'Bar list:
'Presenter list:
'Product: Unknown
'Edit mode context, but no edit mode set.
'<<End build CT>>
' 2:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 8386807 MB, Used 419 MB, Peak +1 -> 420 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 5857 MB, Used +3 -> 587 MB, Peak +3 -> 588 MB
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9217, Used 783, User: Used 405
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:21.987; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1448, 824
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:21.991; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1428, 804
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:22.000; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1442.76298000202223 _
, 1442.76298000202223, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 1442.76298000202223, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1442.76298000202223 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:22.001; 2:<
Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1442.76298000202223 _
, 1442.76298000202223, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 1442.76298000202223, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1442.76298000202223 _
, 804.58914093739622, -397.28603206124973, 0.00000000000000
' 2:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits.
' 4.655857 2:<<[Cloud]openOntoDesktop
' 1:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' registered for document 'hotel R2017'.
' 1:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' registered for document 'hotel R2017'.
' 1:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' registered for document 'hotel R2017'.
' 1:< ::3:: Delta VM: Avail 8386807 MB, Used 419 MB, Peak +0 -> 421 MB; RAM: Avail +18 -> 5875 MB, Used 587 MB
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9215, Used 785, User: Used 406
' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 1:< RAM Statistics: 5875 / 8191 587=InUse 588=Peak
' 1:< VM Statistics: 8386807 / 8388607 419=InUse 421=Peak
' 1:< Element Expansion Statistics:
' 1:< 49% Opening Plans (1575374)
' 1:< 0% Opening RC Plans (0)
' 1:< 0% Opening 3d Views (0)
' 1:< 0% Opening Elevations and Sections (0)
' 1:< 0% In Regnerate (0)
' 1:< 0% In Autojoin (0)
' 1:< 0% In Overlap Checking (0)
' 1:< 0% Reviewing PostedWarnings (0)
' 1:< 51% Other (1649866)
' 1:< total bytes expanded: 3225240
' 1:< ;EES;49;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;51;
' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 1:< RAM Statistics: 5875 / 8191 587=InUse 588=Peak
' 1:< VM Statistics: 8386807 / 8388607 419=InUse 421=Peak
' 6.328431-- 1:<<[Cloud]standardOpenDocumentFile
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:22.359; 0:<
' [Jrn.File Input Information] COMMON.FILE_INPUT.FILE_TYPE: .rvt 03534848.000000
' 0:< ::4:: Delta VM: Avail +24 -> 8386832 MB, Used -8 -> 411 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 5877 MB, Used -8 -> 579 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9236, Used 764, User: Used 382
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:22.452; 0:<
Jrn.Size 0 , 1449 , 825
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:22.452; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1449, 825
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:22.456; 0:<
Jrn.Size 0 , 1429 , 805
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:22.456; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1429, 805
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:22.466; 0:<
Jrn.Size 0 , 1448 , 824
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:22.466; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1448, 824
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:22.470; 0:<
Jrn.Size 0 , 1428 , 804
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:22.470; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "WindowSize" _
, "[hotel R2017.rvt]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 1428, 804
' 0:< GContext::getDefaultDpi(): s_defaultDpi = 96
' 0:< ::8:: Delta VM: Avail -38 -> 8386794 MB, Used +37 -> 449 MB, Peak +28 -> 449 MB; RAM: Avail -49 -> 5828 MB, Used +42 -> 622 MB, Peak +33 -> 622 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9220, Used 780, User: Used 387
' 0.822114 1:<<;PERF;MISC;drawing
' 0:< ::8:: Delta VM: Avail 8386794 MB, Used 449 MB; RAM: Avail +15 -> 5844 MB, Used 622 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9220, Used 780, User: Used 387
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:23.416; 0:< idle0_doc
'H 30-May-2017 11:19:23.418; 0:<
Jrn.Directive "AllowPressAndDrag" _
, 1
' 0:< <<Begin build CT>>
'Edit mode: IDR_COMMON
'Category: 0
'Bar list:
' Dialog_Revit_DynamicLabelDBar
' Dialog_Essentials_FilterSelectionNew
'Presenter list:
' PP_DebugTab_Binding_Demo
'Product: Revit
'<<End build CT>>
' 0:< AdapterCompatibility : VMware, Inc.
' 0:< AdapterDACType : n/a
' 0:< AdapterRAM : 1073741824
' 0:< Caption : VMware SVGA 3D
' 0:< CurrentBitsPerPixel : 32
' 0:< CurrentHorizontalResolution : 1680
' 0:< CurrentNumberOfColors : 4294967296
' 0:< CurrentRefreshRate : 60
' 0:< CurrentVerticalResolution : 1050
' 0:< Description : VMware SVGA 3D
' 0:< DriverDate : 20160712000000.000000-000
' 0:< DriverVersion :
' 0:< MaxRefreshRate : 60
' 0:< MinRefreshRate : 60
' 0:< Monochrome : 0
' 0:< Name : VMware SVGA 3D
' 0:< VideoArchitecture : 5
' 0:< VideoMemoryType : 2
' 0:< VideoModeDescription : 1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 colors
' 0:< VideoProcessor : VMware Virtual SVGA 3D Graphics Adapter
' 0:< Caption : Microsoft XPS Document Writer
' 0:< Default : -1
' 0:< DeviceID : Microsoft XPS Document Writer
' 0:< Direct : 0
' 0:< DriverName : Microsoft XPS Document Writer
' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0
' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0
' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 600
' 0:< Local : -1
' 0:< Name : Microsoft XPS Document Writer
' 0:< Network : 0
' 0:< PortName : XPSPort:
' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW
' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint
' 0:< RawOnly : 0
' 0:< Shared : 0
' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1
' 0:< VerticalResolution : 600
' 0:< Caption : Fax
' 0:< Default : 0
' 0:< DeviceID : Fax
' 0:< Direct : 0
' 0:< DriverName : Microsoft Shared Fax Driver
' 0:< EnableBIDI : 0
' 0:< EnableDevQueryPrint : 0
' 0:< HorizontalResolution : 200
' 0:< Local : -1
' 0:< Name : Fax
' 0:< Network : 0
' 0:< PortName : SHRFAX:
' 0:< PrintJobDataType : RAW
' 0:< PrintProcessor : winprint
' 0:< RawOnly : 0
' 0:< Shared : 0
' 0:< SpoolEnabled : -1
' 0:< VerticalResolution : 200
' 0:< ::8:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 8386791 MB, Used +0 -> 450 MB, Peak +1 -> 451 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 5833 MB, Used +2 -> 624 MB, Peak +2 -> 625 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9209, Used 791, User: Used 396
' 0:< Color : 2
' 0:< Copies : 1
' 0:< Description : Microsoft XPS Document Writer
' 0:< DriverVersion : 1536
' 0:< Duplex : 0
' 0:< Orientation : 1
' 0:< PaperLength : 2794
' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in
' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159
' 0:< PrintQuality : 600
' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025
' 0:< XResolution : 600
' 0:< YResolution : 600
' 0:< Color : 1
' 0:< Description : Fax
' 0:< DriverVersion : 1024
' 0:< Duplex : 0
' 0:< Orientation : 1
' 0:< PaperLength : 2794
' 0:< PaperSize : Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in
' 0:< PaperWidth : 2159
' 0:< PrintQuality : 200
' 0:< SpecificationVersion : 1025
' 0:< XResolution : 200
' 0:< YResolution : 200
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:28.717; 0:<
Jrn.MouseMove 0 , 440 , 1
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:28.717; 0:<
Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Add-Ins"
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:33.644; 0:<
Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Modify"
' 0:< ::11:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 8386781 MB, Used +21 -> 471 MB, Peak +20 -> 471 MB; RAM: Avail -19 -> 5815 MB, Used +21 -> 645 MB, Peak +20 -> 645 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9163, Used 837, User: Used 397
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:35.994; 0:<
Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Add-Ins"
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:40.519; 0:<
Jrn.MouseMove 0 , 1439 , -156
'E 30-May-2017 11:19:40.519; 0:<
Jrn.Command "SystemMenu" , "Quit the application; prompts to save projects , ID_APP_EXIT"
' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 1:< RAM Statistics: 5817 / 8191 645=InUse 645=Peak
' 1:< VM Statistics: 8386781 / 8388607 471=InUse 472=Peak
' 1:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 1:< RAM Statistics: 5817 / 8191 645=InUse 645=Peak
' 1:< VM Statistics: 8386781 / 8388607 471=InUse 472=Peak
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(A360); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) }
' 0:< CrsTimer event occurred for 0 times in DesktopMFCView [Floor Plan: Level 1]
' 0:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 0:< RAM Statistics: 5823 / 8191 641=InUse 646=Peak
' 0:< VM Statistics: 8386785 / 8388607 467=InUse 473=Peak ;oCD;
' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' has been unregistered.
' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' has been unregistered.
' 0:< Third Party Updater 'Revit: ObjectNumberingUpdater' has been unregistered.
' 0:< Before : Destroy Display Manager
' 0:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 0:< RAM Statistics: 5806 / 8191 643=InUse 646=Peak
' 0:< VM Statistics: 8386785 / 8388607 469=InUse 473=Peak
' 0:< After : Destroy Display Manager
' 0:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ]
' 0:< RAM Statistics: 5807 / 8191 643=InUse 646=Peak
' 0:< VM Statistics: 8386785 / 8388607 469=InUse 473=Peak
' 0:< DummyStorage destroying DataStorageInterface 0x000000000D956C70
' 0:< ::14:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 8386793 MB, Used -3 -> 469 MB, Peak +1 -> 473 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 5809 MB, Used -5 -> 640 MB, Peak +1 -> 646 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9193, Used 807, User: Used 351
' 0:< compact data space: 50068 blocks, occupying total of 15613160 bytes
' 0:< freed 50068 blocks
' 1:< ::14:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 8386804 MB, Used -2 -> 467 MB; RAM: Avail +121 -> 5931 MB, Used -2 -> 638 MB
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9254, Used 746, User: Used 242
' 1:< Revit worker 1 closed cleanly
' 0:< [000008f0]QueueMinder stopped
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.478; 1:< logging finished virtualization services
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.478; 1:< logging finished worker services
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.479; 1:< logging erased queues
' 1.024966 1:<<<Terminating Slave Processes
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.480; 0:< ->desktop ExitManagedInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.920; 0:< <-desktop ExitManagedInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:42.920; 0:< ->desktop ExitNativeInstance
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering FabricationPartBrowserChanged event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' CanExecute implementation. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Fabrication Settings CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_MEP_FABRICATION_SETTINGS' Executed implementation. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Fabrication Settings Executed event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_FABRICATION_PART_SHOW_SERVICE_IN_PART_BROWSER' CanExecute implementation. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Show Service in Part Browser
'Show Service in Part Browser
'Show Service in Part Browser CanExecute event by application FabPartBrowserApplication (ee72acb7-2d70-484e-9cdf-0f7006b1183e). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_EXPORT_IFC' Executed implementation. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Export to IAI IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file format Executed event by application IFC override (e78da2e3-7e89-464c-97cd-2212c8be3fa8). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ViewActivated event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ApplicationClosing event by application Ribbon (c82755fa-ff61-5113-9a07-27b2127a13e5). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_TEAM' Executed implementation. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Communicator Executed event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Restoring command id 'ID_TEAM' CanExecute implementation. }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { API unregistering command Communicator CanExecute event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreated event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavedAs event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSaved event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering ApplicationClosing event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< ::14:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 8386800 MB, Used +0 -> 468 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 5942 MB, Used +1 -> 640 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9254, Used 746, User: Used 246
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Communicator for Autodesk Revit (a729345d-1c99-4ac0-91f2-28d93237fe14). }
' 0:< ::14:: Delta VM: Avail +1 -> 8386801 MB, Used -30 -> 438 MB; RAM: Avail +16 -> 5958 MB, Used -30 -> 610 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9257, Used 743, User: Used 240
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentSavedAs event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpened event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). }
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentClosing event by application CollaborateDB (bb3086be-63bb-44bd-99eb-d584c013cf2f). }
' 0:< Forcibly unregistering Updater with id:51c0be9b-07a8-443a-be8c-21db815b17e7
' 0:< Forcibly removing all update triggers for all Updaters
' 0:< Unregistering all external services.
' 0:< ::14:: Delta VM: Avail +4 -> 8386806 MB, Used -5 -> 434 MB; RAM: Avail +13 -> 5972 MB, Used -3 -> 608 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9257, Used 743, User: Used 240
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.572; 0:< Protein : Unload plug-ins
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.572; 0:< Protein : Release Plugins
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.574; 0:< Protein : Release Renderer Module
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.575; 0:< Protein : Release Plugins
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.575; 0:< Protein : Release Renderer Module
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.575; 0:< Protein : Destroy RenderingAsset Library Manager
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.592; 0:< Protein : ProteinSdkManager has been destroyed successfully
' 0:< ::14:: Delta VM: Avail +80 -> 8386886 MB, Used -60 -> 375 MB; RAM: Avail +68 -> 6040 MB, Used -46 -> 563 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9261, Used 739, User: Used 222
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.765; 0:< License cleanup complete: 0, 0
' 0:< Journal Exit
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:43.767; 0:< Log Summary
' 0:< .Count
' 0:< ...CachingEngaged = 1
' 0:< ...ContentDocsLoaded = 66
' 0:< ...ContentDocsLoadedLazy = 66
' 0:< ...DBG_SOMETHING = 4
' 0:< ...DBG_WARNING = 1
' 0:< ...MoribundChecks = 2
' 0:< ...PayloadsLoaded = 67
' 0:< ...PendingMessages = 210
' 0:< ...resolveJoinStructure = 128
' 0:< ...SampleRateNominal = 5
' 0:< ...SampleRateTooLow = 1
' 0:< ...ThreadedExpansions = 2321
' 0:< ...tweakGRepsInView = 24
' 0:< ...UIThreadsCreated = 1
' 0:< ...UIThreadsHighWater = 1
' 0:< ...WorkerRequestHandledImmediate = 3
' 0:< Total session time spent reclaiming memory: 0.000000 seconds. Averaged 0.000000 seconds/call for 0 calls.
' 0:< BackgroundLoader exec= 1 (parallel= 1)
' 0:< ConsumeMultiSegmentFile exec= 280 (parallel= 280) self= 0.684279 sec (avg= 0.002)
' 0:< ConsumeVisitBucket exec= 18 (parallel= 18) self= 0.104475 sec (avg= 0.006)
' 0:< FormOrAbandon exec= 3 (parallel= 0) self= 6.838007 sec (avg= 2.279) rollup= 6.871436 (avg= 2.290)
' 0:< GIncrementalDrawTaskCanvas exec= 1 (parallel= 1)
' 0:< InstrumentationTask exec= 1 (parallel= 1)
' 0:< InvalidateArchive exec= 1 (parallel= 0)
' 0:< JoinTweaking exec= 6 (parallel= 2) self= 0.002446 sec (avg= 0.000)
' 0:< PipeliningTask exec= 67 (parallel= 67)
' 0:< ProduceArchive exec= 347 (parallel= 0) self= 0.032587 sec (avg= 0.000) rollup= 0.032513 (avg= 0.000)
' 0:< ProduceVisitBucket exec= 31 (parallel= 31) self= 0.001291 sec (avg= 0.000) rollup= 0.001283 (avg= 0.000)
' 0:< QueueMinder exec= 1 (parallel= 1)
' 0:< ReadFileAndPerformOperation exec= 19 (parallel= 0)
' 0:< RunPipelineContext exec= 13 (parallel= 9) self= 0.000748 sec (avg= 0.000) rollup= 0.099488 (avg= 0.008)
' 0:< TaskFileExists exec= 248 (parallel= 241)
' 0:< TaskWaitCursor exec= 1 (parallel= 1)
' 0:< ::14:: Delta VM: Avail +48 -> 8386934 MB, Used -4 -> 372 MB; RAM: Avail +56 -> 6096 MB, Used -16 -> 548 MB
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9284, Used 716, User: Used 211
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:44.293; 0:< <-desktop ExitNativeInstance
'C 30-May-2017 11:19:44.299; 0:< finished recording journal file