Hi @Anonymous
Have you tried :
Parameter elementParameter = element.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.PHY_MATERIAL_PARAM_STRUCTURAL_DENSITY);
elementParameter.set("What you want");
I don't know the type of the element you want to set the density but I think this is a clue
I thing I know what you what, it goes like that
Material material = .....<- here goes your material PropertySetElement pse; ThermalAsset thAsset; thAsset = new ThermalAsset("your name", ThermalMaterialType.Solid); thAsset.Name = "yourname"; thAsset.Behavior = StructuralBehavior.Isotropic; thAsset.ThermalConductivity = 0.00; thAsset.SpecificHeatOfVaporization = 0.0; thAsset.Porosity = 0.0; thAsset.Density = 0.0; thAsset.Emissivity = 0.0; thAsset.Reflectivity = 0.0; thAsset.Permeability = 0.0; thAsset.ElectricalResistivity = 0.0; thAsset.Compressibility = 0.0;
//in put thermal asset to a PropertySet pse = PropertySetElement.Create(doc, thAsset); //now singh a propertyset to a material material.SetMaterialAspectByPropertySet(MaterialAspect.Thermal, pse.Id);
set and get ThermaAsset and PropertySetElement is not perfect in revit and will give you a lots of trouble 😕
Thank you i used this code 2 days ago and it works but now i want to check if this asset already exist or not do u know how can todo it ?
there is a way, but it is a most stupid way
pse = asset; try { thAsset = pse.GetThermalAsset(); } catch { thAsset = new ThermalAsset("pusty", ThermalMaterialType.Solid); pse.SetThermalAsset(thAsset); }
so in basic you need to catch a exception, because no one thought, it would be a good idea to make .isThermalAssteExist().
Hi there,
I know this is a super old post but I'm wondering if there's by any chance you could help me out.
So I built upon your script to i). if the material is new, write density & thermal conductivity ii). if it's an existing one, modify these two parameters.
I could get it run most of the time, but sometimes it will send the following error messages:
a. Internal error at line 37 (see bold and red highlight below)
b : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'LookupParameter' at line 46 (or 47 sometimes)
As I'm in Dynamo using IronPython, the codes are slightly different but the overall structure is pretty much the same.
Any help is much appreciated.
import clr
import System
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
#Define functions to convert units
def T_Convert(l):
return th1[0]
def D_Convert(l):
return th1[0]
for n,th,d in zip(IN[0],IN[1],IN[2]):
if Material.IsNameUnique(doc,n):
#Create new material
new = Material.Create(doc, n);
material = doc.GetElement(new);
thAsset = ThermalAsset(n, ThermalMaterialType.Solid);
thAsset.Name = n;
thAsset.Behavior = StructuralBehavior.Isotropic;
thAsset.ThermalConductivity = T_Convert(th);
thAsset.Density = D_Convert(d);
pse = PropertySetElement.Create(doc, thAsset);
material.SetMaterialAspectByPropertySet(MaterialAspect.Thermal, pse.Id);
#Update existing material
namePar = ParameterValueProvider(ElementId(BuiltInParameter.MATERIAL_NAME))
fRule = FilterStringRule(namePar,FilterStringEquals(),n, True)
filter = ElementParameterFilter(fRule)
exist_mat = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(Material).WherePasses(filter).ToElements()
for em in exist_mat:
TH=doc.GetElement(em.ThermalAssetId).LookupParameter("Thermal Conductivity")
Don't know if you still have problem with it(I was on vacation), here are my thoughts .
It seems that in dynamo errors are little different than from API using c#.
a) it look like your Asset get some null property or with invalid value, maybe name is blank or you put NaN somewhere.
b)GetElement can return null if id is not used , check first what GetElement return you first. I thing it is possible to get null on GetElement if you create it in the same transaction.
I hope you solve your problem.