Thank you for the suggestions...
@ctm_mka wrote:
directly, i would say no, Revit wouldn't know what a attributed block is. So you would need to interact with your CAD programs API. Probably easier to create a conversion program in the CAD program instead? A possible workflow: First, the attributed block would need to exist in some DWG already, so it could be inserted into the exported DWG. Assign a specific layer to the tag categories in the DWG Export element. Since tags are exported as MText (at least for AutoCAD), you would look for Mtext on that specific layer. Next read the contents, then lastly insert the block at the mtext's position, fill out the attribute, delete the text.
I did a little bit of whiteboarding, I believe your workflow suggestion could work but only in a scenario where:
1 Mtext == 1 block with 1 attribute
My scenario is:
n Mtexts == 1 block with n attributes
So, one block has multiple attributes. In that case, each Mtext should somehow be identified with:
1) Revit Tag
2) Revit Tag Parameter
Any ideas?
I'm using AutoCAD btw, so whatever the logic behind the solution, I'll be using AutoCAD API to get there...