I'm trying to import an IFC file that has two different shape representations for the same door, one a footprint
for a 2D swing indicator, the other a body representation of the 3d door in the closed position.
I'm using the 'File/Open IFC' menu option, not the 'Link IFC' method.
When the IFC is done opening, the 2D door swing indicator shows up in the 3D view in revit as well as in the plan/level
I know when creating Revit families inside Revit I can choose whether to have a swing indicator visible in the 3D
view but I can't seem to duplicate that behavior via an IFC import.
I have had some success by making the door swing indicator a separate/duplicate IFCDOOR but then it shows on the
schedule twice so that really isn't a viable solution.
Are different 2D/3D representations supported through the 'Open IFC' import? Any thoughts on what I should do here?