Create Spline from multiple line, curve, arc segments
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Dear all,
I am currently working on the below Revit 2024 macro which does the following:
1. prompt user to select multiple lines and or curve and or arcs
2. convert combined segments into a Spline
However, it keeps generating the following error:
No overload for method 'Create' takes 2 arguments (CS1501) - C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Macros\2024\Revit\AppHookup\CreateSplineFromMultipleSegments\Source\CreateSplineFromMultipleSegments\ThisApplication.cs:74,41
Any help would be very much appreciated.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection;
namespace CreateSplineFromMultipleSegments
public partial class ThisApplication
private void Module_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
private void Module_Shutdown(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
#region Revit Macros generated code
private void InternalStartup()
this.Startup += new System.EventHandler(Module_Startup);
this.Shutdown += new System.EventHandler(Module_Shutdown);
public void CreateSpline()
UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
Document doc = uidoc.Document;
Selection sel = uidoc.Selection;
// Prompt user to select multiple elements
IList<Reference> selectedElements = sel.PickObjects(ObjectType.Element, "Select multiple segments (lines, arcs, splines).");
if (selectedElements == null || selectedElements.Count == 0)
TaskDialog.Show("Error", "No elements selected.");
// Collect all the points from the selected elements
List<XYZ> points = new List<XYZ>();
foreach (Reference reference in selectedElements)
Element element = doc.GetElement(reference);
LocationCurve locationCurve = element.Location as LocationCurve;
if (locationCurve != null)
Curve curve = locationCurve.Curve;
if (curve != null)
// Ensure unique points and maintain order
points = RemoveDuplicatePoints(points);
if (points.Count < 2)
TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Not enough points to create a spline. At least two unique points are required.");
// Create the spline from the collected points
using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc, "Create Spline"))
NurbSpline spline = NurbSpline.Create(points, false);
SketchPlane sketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(doc, Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(XYZ.BasisZ, XYZ.Zero));
ModelCurve modelCurve = doc.Create.NewModelCurve(spline, sketchPlane);
TaskDialog.Show("Success", String.Format("Spline created successfully from {0} segments.", selectedElements.Count));
catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException)
TaskDialog.Show("Cancelled", "Operation cancelled by the user.");
catch (Exception ex)
TaskDialog.Show("Error", String.Format("An error occurred: {0}", ex.Message));
private List<XYZ> RemoveDuplicatePoints(List<XYZ> points)
List<XYZ> uniquePoints = new List<XYZ>();
foreach (XYZ point in points)
if (!uniquePoints.Exists(p => p.IsAlmostEqualTo(point)))
return uniquePoints;