How can I open a rcp file and visualize


How can I open a rcp file and visualize

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I'm starting to use ReCap in a Project, but i only recived files in rcp. And when i click open it didn't show me the scan.

Can anyone help me how i can open this files? or tell me if there are other missing files.



Accepted solutions (1)
7 Replies
Replies (7)


Hi from Spain


A ReCap project is the addition of  two parts or "components", and you need both in order that the project could be opened and operated.


1- The RCP file
2- A folder named equal as the RCP file and located in the same folder as RCP is.  In this folder there are all the data beblonging to the project (RCS files that contains the coordiantes of all the points, RCC containing "real view" information...)

If you want to move a ReCap project be sure to move all these two components. The RCP file only itself is not enough.



Augusto Mora
Architect & teacher of Building Projects at CPIFP Pirámide. Huesca (Spain).
Revit 2014 certified profesional.

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous


I'm just checking in to see if you need more help with this. Did the suggestion that @amorap provided work for you?

If so, please click Accept as Solution on the posts that helped you so others in the community can find them easily.

Anil Mistry
Technical Support Specialist

Not applicable

Heey, thanks for the information! In fact, there were some miss information and files. So my custumer send me new files and i was able to open it in ReCap.

However, i couldn't open all the Project there are some parts thar presente na error advice and my model became incomplete. Do you know if you can help me with this?


Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous,


Are you saying that when open model its not complete and get an error message? Would you be able to share screen capture of this message?


Thank you and have a great day!

Anil Mistry
Technical Support Specialist

Accepted solution

Hello from Spain, Caroline


Sometimes because a ReCap project is big and it has a lot of files, it could be that one or more of them was corrupted.


In order to identificate the issue, I suggest you this:


1- Be sure that your customer has sent you all the files.
2- Request to your customer to sent you the source files if it is possible, that ones generated by the scanner, so you can prevent previous  errors. Maybe you can process the original information (That is what is usual to do with customers: send the source files and the procesed ones).


If the issues persist, then could be that the original info generated by the scan could be corrupted. It has happened to me some times, not so many luckly.

I have a Faro Focus scanner and it is highly recommended using high quality and quickest SD cards you can afford, to be able to save safely tha big amount of data generated in each scan.

Also, its recommended not reuse old SD Cards many times. Older SD cards can suffer issues rewriting information. SD cards are today so cheap that it does not worth reuse it many times.



Augusto Mora
Architect & teacher of Building Projects at CPIFP Pirámide. Huesca (Spain).
Revit 2014 certified profesional.

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous,


I agree with @amorap suggestion. Please, let us know if you are still seeing this behavior.


Thank you and have a great day!

Anil Mistry
Technical Support Specialist

Not applicable

Hi, thank very much for your help and your time! Now i have a complete model Smiley Happy