Export selected scans in e57 with survey data


Export selected scans in e57 with survey data

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We are going to be carrying out the laser survey of a large building that will be carried out in phases. The idea is to register the first batch and assign survey points to align the data with the PDMS/Naviswork which use a common datum. The data will then be exported in e57 format to retain the bubble (or real) view data and imported in to LFM server & PDMS. Having already set the control points in recap pro, the point cloud should drop in the correct position in PDMS once processed in LFM server. This shouldn't much of a problem.


The problem comes while trying to export the recap pro data out piece small – i.e. in batches of say 10 max scan positions at a time (or ideally, exporting individual scan positions in e57 format), while retaining the survey point data and bubble views.

As far as I can see there is only an option to export the whole project, which would ultimately result in 1 huge e57 file. This is a nightmare to import in to LFM as it could easily fall over after hours of processing and would need restarting.


I’m aware that you can create separate rcp files and import these in to another rcp file, thus creating a master and sub rcp files. Is there a way of using this philosophy to export the e57 files out for each rcp, while retaining the survey point information from the master project?

I’ve toyed with the idea of lumping everything in one project and temporarily deleting the scans I don’t want to export prior to exporting – would this work?

Is it possible to use regions to split the project, but on export to retain the bubble views of that particular area?


This may have been similar issues already covered but I’m struggling to find anything which satisfies exactly what I need to achieve.


Any help would be appreciated.

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