Hello @TK.421 ,
Herewith my solution : I'm using 5 macros to manage tool via the pmlent native format. Every Tool element are export into a folder depending of the current stockmaterial. You can save every tool of your project into this folder, It's fast and you are not oblige to have all your tool into a Pmill Project to update your "Tool database".
SaveTool : Save every tool into the folder "C:\(MACRO_PATH)\Lib_Tool_PmlEnt\(StockMat)"
LoadTool : Load every tool define in the folder "C:\(MACRO_PATH)\Lib_Tool_PmlEnt\(StockMat)" into your current project
RazTool : Delete every tool define in the folder "C:\(MACRO_PATH)\Lib_Tool_PmlEnt\(StockMat)" ( Used mainly to redefine a 'Fresh' library from the current project )
RenomeOutil : Saving the tool only under his pmlent format doesn't store the folder information, so this macro is used after the import to replace the tool into his original folder . You must of course use the macro ResetUserParamOutil to create initialy the user parameters Ident & Folder
I "Export Tool PmlEnt" 1 "MACRO 'SaveTool.mac'"
I "Import Tool PmlEnt" 1 "MACRO 'LoadTool.mac'"
I "Delete All Tool PmlEnt" 1 "MACRO 'RazTool.mac'"
I "Rename All Tool with user param" 1 "MACRO 'RenomeOutil.mac'"
I "Reset user param all Tool" 1 "MACRO 'ResetUserParamOutil.mac'"
Using the PmlEnt format offer you also the possibility to import tool one by one if you want ( Joined Video).