Hello All, I wanted guidance to create PowerMill programs for machining an Impellar I have created a shroud by taking an offset of the outer geometry of the impeller, created levels by acquiring the left blade, right blade shroud etc, but not able to generate a toolpath kindly help. I have attached the model I am using as SolidWorks file.
Hello, Thanks for the reply the project size was too big to opload so I have uploaded here 'https://iitbacin-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/204100013_iitb_ac_in/EjLdBlTOKfFHlUDlvVWlNFgBcqVDb...' . Somehow I managed to make a toolpath out of it, but the program coming out is almost 300 hrs long. While using ball end tool of 6 or 8 mm it is giving error. So if possible kindly go through the project will be great help.
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