Hi Guys!
I have some problems creating a good drilling cycle for deep hole drilling.
I want to create a cycle that drives the drill inside a Pilothole while turning the spindle with slow speed and feed CCW. Inside the Pilothole the machine has to turn on the spindel with drilling speed CW. Then it should drill. Now I have the issue that I would like to slow down the drilling feeds while driving the drill through intersections. I this possible while using a cycle and what parameters can I use for it?
In the picture you can see the cycle. Just the intersections are missing.
Does your machine control have a drilling cycle that accepts 2 different feedrates? Or is this posted as a point to point program?
There are parameters for controlling feedrate while drilling through intersections:
But I am not sure how easily these could be implemented into what you already have. If you're outputting a drilling cycle, I don't think it would be possible. If you are drilling point to point you should be able to reduce the feedrate no problem, but starting the spindle in reverse while entering the hole will be difficult to accomplish.
That’s my problem. I also couldn’t find an option for editing the on point drilling. That I think that this would be the easier way because the post processor just has to turn the spindle reverse in the starting segment. The rest of the cycle can work as it does now.
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