So I created a new family just making a vertical extrusion 500ft long, and used "Add Points>Manual" to put a control point on the top, and that worked like a charm. Thank you for telling me about using Nested Family--I don't think I would have found that on my own, and that did exactly what I needed! 1,000+ wells all at the individual elevations and coordinates provided by the surveyor!
I have a follow-up that relates to using the "Connect Pts" tool that you mentioned. That actually does the next thing I need to do, which is put in the lateral piping that connects the wells. The tricky bit is I want to have parallel pipes going to the top of each well (see my screenshot):

You gave me the idea of making a family that contains a point, and since I don't have coordinates for those pipes specifically (only for the tops of the wells), I made a family of a double pipe with a point in the middle:

This is again just an extrusion made with the Generic Model Family category, but I saved the Type Name as "Double Pipe." The trouble is, when I go through the "Connect Pts" windows it asks what items it should connect with, and gives the choices Walls, Conduit, Pipe, Model Lines, FlexDuct, FelxPipe, or Cable Tray. But after selecting Pipes my double pipe doesn't appear in the list of Types I can choose. This is probably less of a Point Layout-specific question than it is a basic Revit modeling question, but what should I do to make that Family part of "Pipes?"