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WBlockCloneObjects() on polylines works until polylines are exploded... then linework disappears

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795 Views, 8 Replies

WBlockCloneObjects() on polylines works until polylines are exploded... then linework disappears

Has anyone had success in using WBlockCloneObjects() on polylines?


Essentially I am copying polylines from an XREF and using WBlockCloneObjects() to place in the host database. This works fine. However, if I then manually explode the polylines, all of the subentities disappear. What am I doing wrong?


I'm basically using this code, just on polyline object.





Steve Hill
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Message 2 of 9
in reply to: stevenh0616

A good amount of views but no takers... Ok, I'll post some code. Here's what I'm doing.


Selected nested linework, returns an ObjectIdCollection. I'm only allowing for Lines, Arcs, Polylines, Polyline2D, and Polyline3D


Public Shared Function SelectNestedLinework() As ObjectIdCollection
        Dim db As Database = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
        Dim ed As Editor = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor

        Dim retLinework As New ObjectIdCollection
        Dim contPick As Boolean = True

        Dim tsManager As aGr.TransientManager = aGr.TransientManager.CurrentTransientManager

        While contPick = True

            Dim PrNestOps As New PromptNestedEntityOptions("Select nested curb linework: ")
            PrNestOps.AllowNone = False
            PrNestOps.UseNonInteractivePickPoint = False

            Dim pner As PromptNestedEntityResult = ed.GetNestedEntity(PrNestOps)

            If pner.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

                Dim nestedID As ObjectId = pner.ObjectId

                Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
                    Dim ent As Entity = tr.GetObject(nestedID, OpenMode.ForRead)

                    tsManager.AddTransient(ent, aGr.TransientDrawingMode.Highlight, 128, New IntegerCollection())

                    If ent.GetType() = GetType(Line) Or ent.GetType() = GetType(Arc) Or ent.GetType() = GetType(Polyline) Or ent.GetType() = GetType(Polyline2d) Or ent.GetType() = GetType(Polyline3d) Then
                        ed.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Entity type of: " & ent.GetType().ToString & " is not allowed, select again... ")
                    End If
                End Using
                Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
                    For Each id As ObjectId In retLinework
                        Dim ent As Entity = tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead)
                        tsManager.EraseTransient(ent, New IntegerCollection())

                End Using

                contPick = False
            End If
        End While

        Return retLinework
    End Function


Next, I take that selected collection and pass it to an NCOPY function. I've tried a couple of different ways of doing this. Both work until I explode a polyline.


Method 1: Return ObjectIdCollection from IdMapping

Public Shared Function PerformNCOPY(ByVal destDoc As Document, ByVal destEd As Editor, ByVal destDb As Database) As ObjectIdCollection
        Dim selObjIds As New ObjectIdCollection
        selObjIds = ModuleSelections.SelectNestedCurbLinework()

        Dim retObjIds As New ObjectIdCollection

        Dim idMap As IdMapping = New IdMapping()
        Using docLock As DocumentLock = destDoc.LockDocument
            Using tr As Transaction = destDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
                    destDb.WblockCloneObjects(selObjIds, destDb.CurrentSpaceId, idMap, DuplicateRecordCloning.Replace, False)

                    For Each id As ObjectId In selObjIds
                        Dim idPair As IdPair = idMap.Lookup(id)
                        If idPair.IsCloned = True Then
                        End If

                Catch ex As System.Exception
                    destEd.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Error during NCOPY: " & ex.Message)
                End Try
            End Using
        End Using

        Return retObjIds
    End Function


Method 2: Loop through selected objects, make a new collection and perform the WBlockConeObjects, then Select the last created entity. NOTE: I only tried this because I was exploding the polyline programmatically after it was cloned to current database and upon doing that I was getting a 'eWrongDatabase' error. I was thinking the IDMapping was returning the wrong ObjectID... both methods return this error when I explode the polyline.

Public Shared Function PerformNCOPYReturnLast(ByVal destDoc As Document, ByVal destEd As Editor, ByVal destDb As Database, ByVal cloneIds As ObjectIdCollection) As ObjectIdCollection
        Dim retObjIds As New ObjectIdCollection

        Dim idMap As IdMapping = New IdMapping()

        For Each cloneId In cloneIds
            Dim newCloneColl As New ObjectIdCollection

            Using docLock As DocumentLock = destDoc.LockDocument
                Using tr As Transaction = destDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
                        destDb.WblockCloneObjects(newCloneColl, destDb.CurrentSpaceId, idMap, DuplicateRecordCloning.Ignore, False)

                    Catch ex As System.Exception
                        destEd.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Error during NCOPY: " & ex.Message)
                    End Try
                End Using
            End Using

            Using docLock As DocumentLock = destDoc.LockDocument
                Using tr As Transaction = destDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
                        Dim lastPst As PromptSelectionResult = destEd.SelectLast()
                        Dim ss As SelectionSet = lastPst.Value
                        Dim objColl As ObjectId() = ss.GetObjectIds()

                        For i = 0 To objColl.Length - 1
                            ''Move linework as a test
                            ''Dim pt As New Point3d(0, 0, 0)
                            ''Dim endPt As New Point3d(5, 5, 5)

                            ''Dim disp As Vector3d = pt.GetVectorTo(endPt)
                            ''Dim mat As Matrix3d = Matrix3d.Displacement(disp)

                            ''Dim ent As Entity = TryCast(objColl(i).GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite), Entity)


                    Catch ex As System.Exception
                        destEd.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Error during select last: " & ex.Message)
                    End Try
                End Using
            End Using

        Return retObjIds
    End Function




Lastly, explode the polylines to get the segments. This iterates through the entire selection skipping lines and arcs and exploding any polyline type. I probably don't need to check the entity type and could just explode any object type, but alas, this is my function.... eWrongDatabase happens here when exploding.


If I skip this function and manually explode in AutoCAD after the WBlockCloneObjects, all polyline segments disappear.


Public Shared Function explodePolys(ByVal doc As Document, ByVal ed As Editor, ByVal db As Database, ByVal selObjIdColl As ObjectIdCollection) As ObjectIdCollection
        Dim addLineworkIdColl As New ObjectIdCollection

        Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()

            For i = 1 To selObjIdColl.Count - 2
                Dim ent As Entity = TryCast(selObjIdColl.Item(i).GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite), Entity)

                Select Case ent.GetType
                    Case GetType(Line)
                    Case GetType(Arc)
                    Case GetType(Polyline)
                        Dim objs As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection

                        Dim explodedPolyColl As New ObjectIdCollection

                        Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
                        For Each obj As DBObject In objs
                            Dim expEnt As Entity = CType(obj, Entity)
                            tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(expEnt, True)


                        For Each id As ObjectId In explodedPolyColl

                    Case GetType(Polyline2d)
                        Dim objs As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection

                        Dim explodedPolyColl As New ObjectIdCollection

                        Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
                        For Each obj As DBObject In objs
                            Dim expEnt As Entity = CType(obj, Entity)
                            tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(expEnt, True)


                        For Each id As ObjectId In explodedPolyColl

                    Case GetType(Polyline3d)
                        Dim objs As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection

                        Dim explodedPolyColl As New ObjectIdCollection

                        Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
                        For Each obj As DBObject In objs
                            Dim expEnt As Entity = CType(obj, Entity)
                            tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(expEnt, True)


                        For Each id As ObjectId In explodedPolyColl

                End Select

        End Using

        Return addLineworkIdColl
    End Function


Steve Hill
Civil Designer / .NET Developer
AutoCAD Certified Professional
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Message 3 of 9
in reply to: stevenh0616



Here's a simple example which seems to work.


        public static void Test()
            var doc = AcAp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            var db = doc.Database;
            var ed = doc.Editor;

            ObjectId id;
            var options = new PromptNestedEntityOptions("\nSelect nested curb linework: ");
            PromptNestedEntityResult result;
            while (true)
                result = ed.GetNestedEntity(options);
                if (result.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
                    id = result.ObjectId;
                if (id.ObjectClass == RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Line)) ||
                    id.ObjectClass != RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Arc)) ||
                    id.ObjectClass != RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Polyline)) ||
                    id.ObjectClass != RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Polyline2d)) ||
                    id.ObjectClass != RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Polyline3d)))
                    if (id.Database == db)
                        ed.WriteMessage("\nSelected entitiy is not from an external reference.");
                    ed.WriteMessage($"\nEntity type of: {result.ObjectId.ObjectClass.Name} is not allowed, select again... ");

            var mapping = new IdMapping();
            var ids = new ObjectIdCollection();
            using (var sourceDb = id.Database)
                sourceDb.WblockCloneObjects(ids, db.CurrentSpaceId, mapping, DuplicateRecordCloning.Ignore, false);

            if (mapping[id].IsCloned)
                using (var tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    var br = (BlockReference)tr.GetObject(result.GetContainers()[0], OpenMode.ForRead);
                    var clone = (Entity)tr.GetObject(mapping[id].Value, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    clone.ColorIndex = 1;

Gilles Chanteau
Programmation AutoCAD LISP/.NET

Message 4 of 9
in reply to: _gile

Thanks @_gile . I'll give that a try.


I see you're calling WblockCloneObjects on the source database... perhaps that's my problem. I called it on the destination database and still put the object in the destination database. Weird thing is it works... lines, arcs, and polylines (until exploded). I'll give this a test. Appreciate the help



Steve Hill
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Message 5 of 9
in reply to: _gile

@_gile that doesn't work.... did you explode the polyline after doing it? If you explode it, the polyline disappears. See my video running your code.



Steve Hill
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Message 6 of 9
in reply to: _gile

@_gile Following up on this, I found more detail on how it's behaving...


If the XREF remains or is unloaded, the polyline disappears after exploding.
If the XREF is detached and no longer part of the file and explode the polyline, it works as expected.



Steve Hill
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Message 7 of 9
in reply to: _gile

@_gile not to bother you too much - I really do appreciate your help. This is just so bizzare.


I found another post with some of your code here on copying a 3D polyline from an XREF and tested it. SAME RESULTS! If you then keep the XREF attached and explode the 3D Polyline, it disappears!



Steve Hill
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Message 8 of 9
in reply to: stevenh0616

Steve, the cloned polyline is being placed on the same layer as it is coming from. A database resident object cannot reside on an Xref layer. Change the layer of the cloned object and all is well.

Jeff_M, also a frequent Swamper
Message 9 of 9
in reply to: Jeff_M

Wow. Thanks so much @Jeff_M ! That works. I don't know why I couldn't figure that out - just didn't cross my mind to check the layer. There isn't a single example out there, even by Autodesk, showing to set the layer after doing the clone. It was one of those issues that I guess I got hung up on other aspects than checking something so simple.


Really appreciate the help!

Steve Hill
Civil Designer / .NET Developer
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