So, you want to an expression's value, depending on the need of the business/drawing content (in your case, it is custom scale factor with value being 1.0, and depending on the job location the drawing content presented, you want to be able to use code to set the expression "CSF"'s value to 0.999xxxx, am I right?).
Yes, you can do it by going to CivilDocument.Styles.LabelStyles.XXXXXXLabelStyles.Expressions. With the target ExpressionCollection available, you can then identify the target expression by its name (in your case, the name is "CSF"), then you update Expression.ExpressionString property (replacing "1", or "1.0" with "0.999xxxx")
Say, if you want to update the expression of GeneralLineLabelStyle, the pseudocode would be like:
foreach (var exp in CivilApplication.ActiveDocument.Styles.LabelStyles.GeneralLineLabelStyles.Expressions)
if (exp.Name == "CSF")
// parse the ExpressString property (a string value) to correctly replace the value in the string