I have code to print, but it doesn't print quite right. So I created a new PC3 file to use for my print. However now I'm getting an error at the PlotSetValidator.SetPlotConfiguration line. It's a runtime error "DB.WriteLine(" (See top screenshot).
Without an certainty I think this might be because the media dropdown is greyed out when using this pc3 to print (See 2nd screeshot). The SetPlotConfiguration command is trying to specify media where it can't.
Is there a way to print with custom pc3 files where the media can't be changed?

namespace AutocadAddinC.EZ_Print_Commands
class FitToC
// Fit drawing to C size Print Command
public static void Emp_FitToC()
// Exit if printer is busy
if (CadPrint.PlotFactory.ProcessPlotState != CadPrint.ProcessPlotState.NotPlotting)
{ g_AcDoc.Editor.WriteMessage($"\nAnother plot is in progress.\\n\""); DB.WriteLine($"\nAnother plot is in progress.\n"); return; }
// Exit if not paper space
if (g_ActiveLayout.Layout.ModelType == true)
{ g_AcDoc.Editor.WriteMessage($"\nThis command is setup to print from paperspace."); DB.WriteLine($"\nThis command is setup to print from paperspace.\n"); return; }
// Get and set the BackgroundPlot system variable value
Object backPlot = CadApp.Application.GetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT"); CadApp.Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0);
// Get and set the plot config system variable value
Object SysCfg = CadApp.Application.GetSystemVariable("SYSPLOTCFG"); CadApp.Application.SetSystemVariable("SYSPLOTCFG", 1);
//DB.WriteLine($"Updated System Variable (sysplotcfg): {CadApp.Application.GetSystemVariable("SYSPLOTCFG")}");
CadDBS.Transaction Trans = g_AcDatBas.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
CadDBS.BlockTableRecord BlTblRec = (CadDBS.BlockTableRecord)Trans.GetObject(g_AcDatBas.CurrentSpaceId, CadDBS.OpenMode.ForRead);
CadPrint.PlotInfo PlotInfo = new CadPrint.PlotInfo();
CadDBS.PlotSettings PlSet = new CadDBS.PlotSettings(g_ActiveLayout.Layout.ModelType);
CadDBS.PlotSettingsValidator PlSetVal = CadDBS.PlotSettingsValidator.Current;
PlotInfo.Layout = BlTblRec.LayoutId;
// API makes sure that the new "plotsettings" is initialized correctly.
CadDBS.DBDictionary plSets = (CadDBS.DBDictionary)Trans.GetObject(g_AcDatBas.PlotSettingsDictionaryId, CadDBS.OpenMode.ForRead);
// Establish plot setup name
string PlSetName = "EZ-Print-DD_Plotter-C-Scale_To_Fit";
//DB.WriteLine($"\n...\tPlot Style: {PlSetName}\n");
#region copy page setup from layout
// Create a new PlotSettings object for:
// true - model space, false - named layout
PlSet = new CadDBS.PlotSettings(g_ActiveLayout.Layout.ModelType); //<-- not used when copy and pasted
// Use CopyFrom property of the plotsetting to initialize it on the layout
PlSet.CopyFrom(g_ActiveLayout.Layout); // API makes sure that the new "PlotSettings" is initialized correctly, by copying the existing one.
// Set the name of the Plot Settings (Page Setup)
PlSet.PlotSettingsName = PlSetName;
// Add to the plot settings dictionary (Adds to the drawing database)
// Adds the plot settings to the transaction
Trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(PlSet, true);
// Refreshing the plot settings with plot settings validator
// Establish plotter and sheet
//PlSetVal.SetPlotConfigurationName(PlSet, g_PP.DdPlotterC, g_PPS.DD_Arch_C);
PlSetVal.SetPlotConfigurationName(PlSet, "SysPrint_DD_ENG_ARCH_C", "4444 458 611");
DB.WriteLine($"\n...\tPlotter: {g_PP.DdPlotter} | Paper: {g_PPS.DD_Arch_C}\n");
#region AutoCad Print Dialog Settings
// Rotate 90 degrees
//PlSetVal.SetPlotRotation(PlSet, CadDBS.PlotRotation.Degrees090);
//PlSetVal.SetPlotRotation(PlSet, CadDBS.PlotRotation.Degrees270); // Landscape
//PlSetVal.SetPlotRotation(PlSet, CadDBS.PlotRotation.Degrees180); // Portrait
PlSetVal = CadDBS.PlotSettingsValidator.Current; //<-- not used when copy and pasted
PlSet.ShowPlotStyles = true;
PlSet.ShadePlot = CadDBS.PlotSettingsShadePlotType.AsDisplayed;
PlSet.ShadePlotResLevel = CadDBS.ShadePlotResLevel.Normal;
PlSet.ShadePlotCustomDpi = 300;
PlSet.PlotHidden = false;
PlSet.PrintLineweights = false;
PlSet.ScaleLineweights = false;
PlSet.DrawViewportsFirst = false;
//PlSet.SetPaperOrientation(true); // < --Creates a match between plot settings and page setup
//PlSet.PaperOrientation = CadDBS.PaperOrientationStates.True;
//PlSetVal.SetPlotPaperUnits(PlSet, CadDBS.PlotPaperUnit.Inches)
//PlSetVal.SetCustomPrintScale(PlSet, ScaleConv) //<--Used with Layout plot type
//PlSetVal.SetPlotType(PlSet, CadDBS.PlotType.Layout)
//PlSetVal.SetPlotWindowArea(PlSet, Layout.Limits) //<--Used with Window plot type
//PlSetVal.SetPlotType(PlSet, CadDBS.PlotType.Window)
PlSetVal.SetPlotType(PlSet, CadDBS.PlotType.Extents);
PlSetVal.SetStdScaleType(PlSet, CadDBS.StdScaleType.ScaleToFit); //<-- Used with Window Plot Type. This is greyed out when using layout plot type
PlSetVal.SetPlotCentered(PlSet, true); //<-- Center is greyed out when plot area (Type) is set to "Layout"
//PlSetVal.SetPlotOrigin(PlSet, new CadGeo.Point2d(0, 0)); //<--overwrites the centered option if after.
// Validate that the style exists and switch to it.
if (PlSetVal.GetPlotStyleSheetList().Contains(g_PS.Monochrome.ToString())) { PlSetVal.SetCurrentStyleSheet(PlSet, g_PS.Monochrome.ToString()); } else { DB.WriteLine($"\nCouldn't load {g_PS.Monochrome.ToString()} style.\n"); }
// Zoom to show the whole paper
PlSetVal.SetZoomToPaperOnUpdate(PlSet, true);
//Add these plot settings to the plot settings dictionary
// Refresh the plot settings with plot settings validator
// Update the plot info with the plot settings
PlotInfo.OverrideSettings = PlSet;
CadPrint.PlotInfoValidator PlotInfoVal = new CadPrint.PlotInfoValidator();
PlotInfoVal.MediaMatchingPolicy = CadPrint.MatchingPolicy.MatchEnabled;
// Plot the sheet
PlotWithDialog(ref PlotInfo, ref Trans);
// Regenerate the document
// Restore the previous value for the Backgroundplot system variable
CadApp.Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", backPlot);
// Restor the previous value for the plot config system variable
CadApp.Application.SetSystemVariable("SYSPLOTCFG", SysCfg);
//catch (System.Exception ex)
// // Restore the previous value for the Backgroundplot system variable
// CadApp.Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", backPlot);
// // Restor the previous value for the plot config system variable
// CadApp.Application.SetSystemVariable("SYSPLOTCFG", SysCfg);
// g_AcDoc.Editor.WriteMessage($"\nCouldn//t complete the print function.");
// DB.WriteLine($"Had to exit early...\n");
// Trans.Abort();
// return;