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render type seems to be working weird


render type seems to be working weird

Not applicable

I am having a problem with all the items being gray in Navisworks. All the forum fixes I have read all say to change the Render Type in the options menu from Automatic to Shaded.  I have tried changing the options from Automatic to Shaded and still all items show as gray (yes i restarted the program)  If I use the viewpoint tab to manually change the render type I get the look I am after.  Great!!!


However, when I then use the A360 app to view the file I see everything in various shades of black. No color!!!!  I know it is a Navisworks settings issue but I can't seem to track it down.  How do i know, you ask?  One of the other guys here has Navisworks 2014 and he has no issues with the Shaded vs. Automatic Render Type. When i used Navisworks 2014 i had no issues, either.  


I am using CADWorx 2014 to create the model file in AutoCAD 2014 and Navisworks Manage 2015.  My drawing loader version is set to 2014 with the ADT Standard Config box checked.


Any help would be great!  Thanks for the help.


Mike B.

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Do you have the same viewing problems with viewing the NWD in Freedom?  If not this sounds more of an A360 problem than a Navisworks one.  I don't have problems viewing CADWorx models with Navisworks, Simulate Manage or Freedom.


Perhaps check the render panel for BYLAYER materials.  If they are present try removing them.

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