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Gizmo location?


Gizmo location?

Not applicable

Are there preference settings to govern where gizmos appear in a model?  


Currently working in a very large coordination model.  I get set up in a very close view of an area, and want to move an item.  The item is in a .dwg that is much larger than the tight viewport I'm in.  I'd like to select the whole .dwg, so I can move all it's items in sync.  When I'm in my close view, and select the .dwg, the move gizmo appears at the center of the model, which requires me to zoom way out of my desired location to grab the gizmo and bring it to a workable location.  


Is there a setting to force the gizmo to appear in the center of a view, rather than in the center of the whole model?


4 Replies
Replies (4)


The gizmo will always appear at the center of the selected object(s). But If you have to move objects while the gizmo is not visible on screen you can right-click on the selected object and select Override Item > Override Transform from the shortcut menu and specify X,Y & Z values accurately.


Just wondering why while in sectioning plane mode we can get the gizmo back to the current scene view by un-clicking the Move tool then re-click it again. while that does not work with item tools Move and i have to navigate out of my current view to find the gizmo!

Not applicable

I have the same frustration. there is no reason why Gizmo shouldn't  stay in place like "Viewcube" in AutoCAD.

Sorry I can't help anymore than adding my support in the Hope Autodesk will think this through, as if Gizmo remained in a corner of the screen while using walking for flying mode, the ability to adjust the section or cube would not change.


At least the option should be available to do the above.






The gizmo moving is a perpetual source of frustration in Naviswork!

Practical example: a large cloudpoint, I want to move it to the right location and superpose to the 3D model. In order not to get lost, I need to put a section box around the control column , which is far away from the cloudpoint center, so the gizmo is outside of the section box and every time I move the model I have to re-enter the transform center coordinates...




At minimum there should be a PIN featuer for the F&&*(&%# Gizmo. 


But you know Navisworks hasnt had any real featuers added in a decade so why would they now.. 


They see Navis as a end of the road product due to BIM360 and doubt they will ever invest what they need into it.