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Combine Select Tool & Select Box Tool in Navisworks


Combine Select Tool & Select Box Tool in Navisworks

Not applicable

Currently, Navisworks Manage & Freedom has the selection tool separated into two separate buttons on the ribbon: Select Tool and Select Box Tool.


Select Tool: (Ctrl + 1) You can select single objects at a time, you can select multiple by holding ctrl and clicking on multiple objects.


Select Box Tool: Click-and-drag to create a selection box over multiple objects.



Why is this a problem?


This becomes a burden during clash detection when having to select a lot of different objects over time. This results in a slower workflow which is inefficient and time consuming when one has to go to the ribbon and change the selection tool constantly.


Why is this set up like this? I fail to understand the reasoning, maybe someone can provide insight on this.


If you have used other Autodesk products, I'm sure you have realized the selection tool is more intuitive.


Examples in other Autodesk products:


In AutoCAD, you can single-click to select an object, click on an empty model space and drag a selection box over multiple objects, and even click-hold, then-drag to "freehand" select around particular objects. If you need to get back to the selection tool after using a different tool, ESC is pressed once or twice.


In Revit, you can single-click to select an object and you can click-and-drag to use a selection tool on multiple objects. If you need to get back to the selection tool, ESC is pressed once or twice and one can even press the Modify button or use the hotkey MD


Proposed Solution: Combine the selection tools. (Like other Autodesk products do)


Why is this a good idea?


  • It is a design that is already implemented in multiple Autodesk products, which would make workflow more intuitive and cohesive between products (It is not a new idea either)
  • Reduce time required to perform tasks in the program(Less clicks), resulting in a more efficient workflow.
  • Will stop the need of having to click on the ribbon each time one needs to switch between selection tools. (More efficient workflow)
  • Maybe reduce some carpal tunnel syndrome!


Once again, why is Navisworks the odd one out in this scenario and how come it isn't more intuitive?


Any thoughts to this idea are more than welcome!




Accepted solutions (1)
2 Replies
Replies (2)


You mean the new(ish) "lasso selection" mode?  Nice for 2D but I find it's just not that useful in 3D.


For setting up clash sets, use search sets so you can plug in criteria.  This also future-proofs since any updates to the models won't matter.  If your data isn't well organized where you can select by logical conditions... ugh.  You've got my sympathies.

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.


Not applicable
Accepted solution

I do agree with you about the lasso selection not being useful in 3D. However, combining the selection box and select tool (like how it is in Revit) will be beneficial.


We set up clash sets and search sets which help with the selection of certain items but, the problem is having to go back up to the ribbon every time i want to switch between selecting a single item or a whole group of items quickly.


I find it to be a hassle because my project consists of a dozen or so different adjoined buildings and I do all of the clashes on a weekly basis while trying to coordinate with the trades to resolve these. The result is a lot of wasted time clicking the ribbon. If this change even saved me an hour or two a week it would be highly benefical.