FYI this is more of a letting others know rather than we need this problem fixed since we developed a little workaround in our Navisworks plugin.
We have an application that uses the Unity Engine with FBX models exported from Navisworks. This issue only appears when the model is exported from Navisworks 2024 with the Optimize Export option checked. I believe that this optimizing does something to the positional data of objects where there are multiples of them that Unity can't seem to handle properly.
A simple example would be a building with a lot of chairs inside. The chairs would be using the same geometry. When Optimize Export is un-checked for the FBX export from Navisworks, everything will be where it should be once imported into Unity. When Optimize Export is checked for the FBX export from Navisworks, all the chairs will be stacked in 1 position making it look like there is only 1 chair and all the rest are missing once imported into Unity.
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