regarding "scripts already provided" I believe it refers to what is installed with Moldflow Synergy UI.
You will find the collection here, or similar installation path:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Moldflow Synergy 2021\data\commands
Those commands are accessed from tab View > User Interface > Command line
or by right-click in open study graphics window and select View > Command line .
If you type Help <enter> in the command line dialog you will get a list of the available commands.
There are also examples provided within help system:
API Examples:
Those examples can be copied and create a script, if not provided by installation files as mentioned above.
So also "scripts already provided" .
The script might have been in the topic discussed as pasted text or an attached file.
Then scroll through. But it might be just script code pieces discussed.
From Autodesk Knowledge Network (AKN):
How to find the Application Programming Interface (API) documentation and reference in Moldflow
Hope this helps.
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