Combine doesn't weld surfaces but joins them to a single object of several not connected surfaces.
Instead BooleanUnion gives a single "outer" surface while deleting the interior intersection.
To run BooleanUnion you should mirror both the head and the neck first to have watertight objects.
To get a precise position of the mirror plane run EDIT/CreatePivot first. Set its PlacementMode to SnapToBoundaryCenter. Now double-clicking on the active object drops a pivot right on the plane described by the open boundary.
If you run Mirror now and click on the pivot the mirror plane snaps to the pivot. If its axis orientation isn't right click on the pivot again until the Mirror is orientated as desired. Maybe you need to change the mirror direction by clicking the transparent blue arrow in the widget.
Do this for both objects.
Check if both results are watertight using ANALYSIS/Inspector.
Now activate the second object with Shift+click.
You find BooleanUnion in EDIT as soon as there are two activated objects. Run it to get a single surface object.
BooleanUnion might fail due to the uneven surface of the skin (maybe there are to many intersections).
If it fails you might Combine both watertight objects and run EDIT/MakeSolid instead. Most likely you need to set a high SolidAccuracy and MeshDensity (and hit Update) to get all the details in the solidified result.
Gunter Weber
Triangle Artisan