Xgen in Arnold Issue


Xgen in Arnold Issue

Not applicable

Hello everyone,


I am working on a scene and decided to try using Xgen for the grass. I have created a grass description and selected the xgen renderer to Arnold. I can see the result of my grass description in the viewport 2.0. But for some mysterious reason I cannot see the results in the render. I simply see the object below it. I have tried all sorts of diffirent settings, but Arnold simply cannot seem to render this. 


As a reference I downloaded a scene with Xgen, provided by the Autodesk website. This is able to render though. I have matched all of the preferences I could think of between the two scenes, but only one gives me a result. I shall include some pictures of the two scenes. 


Furthermore, in my custom scene the program gives me an error when I start to render: 

# Error: XGen: Failed to open file: C:/Users/Jelte #
# Error: XGen: No collections were imported from C:/Users/Jelte #

Maybe this is of some consequence. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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