Transparent object emitting light?
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I have an object in Maya 2017 with a Lambert shader and transparency. I want the object to have no shadows, no illumination, no reflection, no refraction, no anything but a sanitary object with transparency not seen by anything else, not seeing anything else, and not producing any render characteristic except itself.
I am rendering with Mental Ray.
I have turned every parameter I can possibly imagine, and related to Mental Ray, off in the Object, the Shape, and the relevant Shader. the only render parameters on are Primary Visibility, Double Sided, Visible in Transparency, and Transmit Transparency. Yet it still appears to be producing either shadows or some form of secondary illumination or occlusion. If I hide the object these rendering characteristics are not in the image. If the object is visible they are there.
I need this one specific object to render in the scene, but independent and exclusive of any of the scene shading. Basically a Constant shaded object that is transparent, but that does not affect the scene nor is affected by the scene.
It needs to intersect with other objects so rendering it as separate layer or pass is out of the question.
Is this possible? I'm sure I must be overlooking something terribly obvious.